Movie Review (No Spoilers)

Guardians Of The Galaxy 2 — Family blooms

Jude Yawson
Published in
6 min readMay 3, 2017


It is hard to believe The Avengers came out 5 years ago. Considering my love for Film the Marvel Cinematic Universe presents my favourite collection. In 2008 Iron Man captivated the World transitioning from a known Marvel character to a household name. I appreciate Iron Man for solidifying my taste and working its way through the main continuity. The fame of the X-Men, Spider-man and Hulk entices a bulk of Marvels audience though it has not reflected in their stand alone films. However other less appreciated Characters have taken Marvel’s mantle to the pinnacle of the Film Industry. There is an impressive inter-connectivity of this Universe stemming from that Iron Man. It makes me eager to witness the extension of these stories. Guardians Of The Galaxy 2 is another remarkable addition to this series of Marvel films. It is by no means the best, yet shows the extensiveness of the ideas Marvel and its film makers has to play with.

Guardians Of The Galaxy 2 is astonishing, intense to a point I was almost overwhelmed by the grand colour schemes and immensity of space. I say overwhelmed as it hurls you into the middle of a scenario at the beginning, a brilliant opening scene that could be deemed too much. It also felt like a Peter Quill/Starlord origin story. Though it reflected that wholesomeness a comic would show. Packed with action, off panel madness and a fitting soundtrack. The Guardians are the sheer excitement and comedic side of Marvel which I adore so much. The first Guardians Of The Galaxy was better for me due to the fluidity of the film. It highlighted step by step the formation of the team and how they would cooperate. The second seemed to be angled at the concept of Family, trust and what is very much there but not present. Such as Starlord/Peter Quill and Gamora’s interest in each other, the Human idea of Fatherlessness and Starlord’s feeling of loss. I found the compilation of ideas quite fascinating, especially due to the fact it is not all Humane. Of course it is a story, the races of everything not Human are still somewhat anthropomorphic and are represented in Human ways.

Drax, Mantis and Gamora

It was exciting and fresh to witness these Human values projected on other beings who have their own cultural codes and understandings. I witness the Guardians Of The Galaxy team as working those differences together, it is unique and fresh. This second installation represents the family aspect. Nebula in the trailer points out they “aren’t a family as all they do is shout at each other” though this reflects on the Human aspect of interaction. It reminded me of the Fast and Furious franchise, the wholesomeness of action is a fraction of the ideal that Vin Diesel always preaches — “Family is everything”. Thinking of Fast & Furious in relation to this film, I considered Marvel’s recent state of comedic taste in their films. Deadpool, Ant Man, Thor is some respects, Iron Man. Even Suicide Squad attempted to soak in that creative juice to no avail. I do not want Guardians Of The Galaxy to suffer from overdoing it, there was a point in the film which exhausted jokes. At the same time that represents the comics, I can admire that. Though in a film sense cramming scenes and moments with endless jokes can be insufferable, luckily the film knows when to relax.

The acting was strong I was sold, Yondu, played by Michael Rooker was my favourite part of the film. He reminds me of a typecast actor, his demeanour and accent fixed to an aggressive or rather eccentric role. In The Walking Dead he was brilliant, he really knows how to sell a Character. His relationship with Rocket is tough but incredible. Sylvester Stalone makes an appearance as an old associate of Yondu. This excites me for the future, I wonder what role Stallone will play. All these interconnected stories encourage me to witness the change in these characters. Drax seemed more humanised through his interactions with Mantis, still displaying an awkward approach to communication. Dave Bautista is steadily becoming an awesome actor following the footsteps of The Rock, the best actor hailing from a Wrestling background. Gamora felt more in the back seat, adding to the story by taking in what is occurring around her. Her complex relationship with her sister Nebula will tie in with Infinity War, though it was one of the few serious elements of the story. Gamora is played by Zoe Saldana and Nebula by Karen Gillian, both impressed me against the comedic narrative. As two Characters born from one of the most fearsome Characters in the Marvel Universe, it is exciting to take in their ruthlessness. Baby Groot is cute but winds up to be more of a mascot for me. Though the film shows his development alongside the team.


Kraglin, Yondu’s second in command was also a great addiction to the film. It is a special trait these Marvel films have for me, to be able to make such likeable Characters that you want to see more of. e.g. Deadpool’s friends in his standalone film. Reading a few other reviews I noticed many believe it focuses too much on Starlord and his relationship with his Father. I agree to an extent but honour the completion of other Characters, such as Rocket, Yondu, Nebula and Gamora. That being considered, I do not believe this film is about the action. Of course it is top notch at times, but the focus I had catered to everything else. I am so excited forr now, here is a look at the behind the scenes of the film:

The order of beings in Guardians Of The Galaxy 2 is also a notion that carried me throughout. The Guardians are rebellious, Ayesha — the Golden High Priestess and Leader of the Sovereign people — even her title reminds me of an upper echelon. Her voice, actions, the grandiose of her Society is very much upper class. The Ravages act like Space Pirates, a collection of different beings with different motivations. Nebula and Gamora are daughters of Thanos, though this is something only comic fans would understand the extent of. I imagine he will soon make a key appearance in the cinematic universe. In a scene where they discuss him I received it in a psychological manner, Nebula explains her hatred for Thanos and you can reason why her character seems out of the comedic loop.

You have the likes of Drax and Rocket, who are victims of the state of the Universe. In whole this film made me receive it as life itself, projected out into the vastness of the Universe. As if this film makes you want to realise the universe in Marvel has so much to utilise. I look forward to Infinity War, I am by no means an avid comic book reader but there is so much time to become one. It would be like reading the Harry Potter books I imagine — for a fresh comic reader, in a sense of having a reference point and knowing there is more to come. Though the unique comic industry and fanbase is something I revere. I use channels such as Comics Explained and Comicstorian on YouTube to detail much more.

In conclusion; Guardians Of The Galaxy 2 is an intriguing film that adds to the Marvel cinematic timeline through relationships and expansion of its universe.



Jude Yawson

The greatest writer in the World An author, editor, poet, film critic, essayist Agent: