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I’m starting a new online publication

Forward thinking, Forward opinions. A place for thought beyond 140 characters.

Published in
2 min readNov 19, 2016


I haven’t blogged in a couple days, you are probably wondering why (I hope) and the reason is I’ve been working on this new idea. I’ve been writing every day for the last month or so and I did this as a means for expression. You know, I can’t paint, sing, vlog (yet) but I can write. I enjoy sharing my ideas, my thoughts, perspectives and these responses, through twitter, Facebook even personally messages have been awesome.

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This idea being: FWRD. A new publication that will be driven by progressive thoughts and ideas, by authenticity and creative understanding of culture, life, tech and everything it encompasses. The title came from thinking about the future, you know I like to think how things could be better, and I hope this is a stepping stone for that.

FWRD will be a place people can talk about their struggles and how they overcame them or will overcome them. Rather than act like we don’t have any (I’m guilty of doing this). Things you may never have thought of writing, what keeps you up at night, your fears and dreams. Talk about your trip to an art gallery and your thoughts on that experience, use selfies, pictures from that day and position it within that blog.

A place where people can write about their industry, university, politics, gentrification in your area, their journey, gender, race, topics that directly affect you. Everyone has value and I want this to be the place where we can express ourselves beyond the limitations of 140 characters.

This will be the Snapchat of written content:

Authentic: People being themselves, writing how they talk, freedom to express their thoughts and not be afraid.

Informative: I’d like people to be able to learn new things about the writers, their stories, what they do, their ideas etc.

Creative: A multiplicity of writing styles, multimedia, selfies, GIFS to create a more engaging reading to back up their stories.

It’s more than just creating content, I hope it what comes from this is a community, from contributors to the readers you might have lessons I can learn from and vice versa, no egos.

Things will change over time, mistakes will be made at first it was FRWD now it's FWRD but hey it might still change, this will be an evolutionary process. It’s going to be awesome.

If you’re interested in contributing whether that be an idea, opinion or you wish to say something through this medium (pun-intended), tweet me at @Samworldpeace , Email me: or respond below.

