Shopping on Instagram

Effs Pablo
Published in
3 min readJun 3, 2017

So I was browsing instgram as I do and I thought to myself wouldn’t it be cool if you where given the ability to purchase something you like directly from the app? Well as long as it is available for purchase of course. This could open up a new market for Instagram to get into to compete with the likes of Amazon and EBay. With more than 400 millions daily users, Instagram could easily become a major competition for Amazon.

This could also help businesses who have Instagram accounts for example Nike which has more than 72 million Instagram followers.

With 72 millions followers Nike has one of biggest followings on Instagram. These followers are also users who are genuine fans of Nike products. Why not give them the ability to purchase Nike products straight from their page.

Right now instagram is currently working on a “buy now” feature which only work with certain ads that appear on user timelines. Why use targeted ads when users can shop directly from pages they already like and follow? This way a purchase is almost guaranteed.

Celebrity Endorsements

We all know half of the things celebrities posts online are given to them for free to advertise to their fan base.

Imagine the mount of Lip Kit enhancement thingamajig Kylie Jenner can sell straight from her own instagram account. With 94million followers, there’s a lot of money to be made.

Quick and Easy Payment

Link this with easy payments such as Apple and Android Pay, reckless spending galore!

Scan Photos

You like chris browns new outfit? Instagram could scan the picture and give you options to purchase the outfit straight from the app using Apple Pay. This could be huge!

Instagram don’t sleep on this!



Effs Pablo
Writer for

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