Stop trying to make me feel like an alien.

What I’m not doing with my body is none of your business

Nina Danjuma
3 min readDec 1, 2016


So people lie, it’s a given, but the story I’m about to tell is extremely important and personal so you’ll understand why the liars wind me up.

My heart belongs to the big Guy in the sky and explaining my religious beliefs to anyone always seems like I’m explaining that it’s actually the sun which orbits the earth. Non believers just don’t ever really get the point and that’s okay.

I talk to God everyday, we speak about my hopes and dreams, my future, my family and friends… basically everything.

Now this is my issue – I do not believe in sex before marriage and I get that to some people it may sound absolutely outrageous, but that’s just how it is for me.

I gave my life to Christ on February 14th of this year and got baptised last Sunday as a public declaration of my devotion to living my life as His disciple.

f/ Christina Okorocha

Particularly me being a virgin is what has most recently become such an issue to people, which confuses me entirely. The questions I get are not limited to the following:

  • What? Not even oral?
  • So you’ve never touched yourself?
  • Are you being serious?
  • Not even the tip?

All the answers to these questions are a firm no, nothing. Ever.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m in no way, shape or form perfect. I know what a penis looks like (lol) but I’m just not interested or involved unless we’ve made a commitment to each other. End of.

I’m a super touchy feely kind of gal so that already makes it hard, but I’m able to see the bigger picture and I genuinely believe delayed gratification is so much more worth while than instant gratification.

My issue about liars – girls lie about their body counts all the time, as do guys and I’m questioned about my virginity because of these women who are either embarrassed or just don’t want to share how many people they’ve slept with.

I’m treated like a baby alien who has no clue about the real world because of my sexual inexperience. We are surrounded by Kylie Jenner and Rihanna and so on. Who are heavily over sexualised by themselves and the media, so it can seem quite odd that the world, even as it is portrayed, doesn’t actually solely revolve around sex.

I’ve been told to just try it, because: “you won’t be know if you like it unless you try it” (defeats the whole commitment to God), I’ve been told I’m so strong (*🙄* – people are out there living with one leg and surviving cancer – let’s be real) and I’ve been told that I’m plain old bat shit crazy (because sexual inactivity equates to mental instability – bye Felicia)!

I didn’t know my personal decisions affected so many people and I’ve realised how many people think not having sex is abnormal. It’s a real issue when people think you can’t function without sex. My religious beliefs aside, if you cannot go an extended period of time without it, maybe something is wrong? Maybe?

I’m tired of the looks of confusion and pity, like “aw you poor thing, life must be so sad for you”. Nope actually, I’m great.

Apparently it’s all the more unbelievable because I’m 22 and “how could you have never had sex at 22?!”

Sex to me is more than just a form of intimacy, it’s an extension of myself. It’s me giving you the very essence of who I am. Society pressures don’t mean anything to me, I’ve got nothing to prove to anyone. It’s just me, myself and G-O-D.

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