Top Stories From January

Round up of the awesome stories the FWRD family have published over the month!

5 min readJan 31, 2017


It’s been 3 months since we have started FWRD and the response has been awesome, we just hit 1.5K followers! We hoped to hit that by March the latest but to do this already is an awesome feeling. At the same time we are nearing our 100th upload, it’s great to see this progress.

Without further ado, check out our top stories :-)

How social media perpetuates hypermasculinity in black men?

“Attention black men: it is possible to voice an opinion “as a man,” and it’s also possible to respect and appreciate black women in the process.”

Our most popular post of all time, Malakaï Sargeant talks about the impact social media has on masculinity. Read more..

A Tribute To Casey Neistat

George Okello speaks about the impact Casey Neistat has had on his life. He really changed the game, this tribute is well deserving. Read more..

“I’m pretty sure that we’d all agree that Casey Neistat (if otherwise let me know!) is the best vlogger. Ever. Period. For those who don’t know, unfortunately the old man has hung up his boots (quit daily vlogging — for now!) and I’d like to take the opportunity to publicly thank him for inspiring me to start my own YouTube channel.”

What is racism? Are you a racist? Can black people be racist to white people?

Ayo-asks-and-answers asks three important questions;

  1. What is racism?
  2. Are you a racist?
  3. Can a black person be racist to a white person?

Read more to check some interesting answers here 👀

My favourite Obama legacy

It’s about time the world knew that successful Black families are not confined to just our TV screens.

“Black love is a concept that Hollywood is still too afraid to tap into. I struggle to think of a rom-com where both lovers are black or even people of colour.” — Chinny Ukata

What are your thoughts? Read more..

Fences — Heart Triggering Story

Movie Review by Judiniho,

A heart triggering picture that allures something within through an immense and captivating dialogue. Fences brilliance captures a familiar and extensive story of an African American family. Read more..

Some lessons from fundraising.

Here are some lessons Nafisa Bakkar learnt from her first seed round. Some like:

  1. Don’t be put off
  2. Don’t pander
  3. Don’t take shit

Check here to check out the rest.

Google offices are so cool.

Sam talks about his vist to one of the Google offices in London and how awesome they were.

“I began to understand why Google has such a low turnover rate. As you explore the office, you totally get the culture Google are trying to achieve. It has a real collegiate vibe.” Read more..

My London Illustrations

Since I’m a London boy, I travelled around the city taking photographs and doing sketches, using a pencil and a fine liner pen, to objects and buildings I found fascinating. With some of the photographs I took, I did more further drawings and abstract illustrations using different techniques and materials for this project. — Girbaut Bawangudi

Check out his art and his processes here: London

Monetising Your Looks For Fame

Who decided it was a bad thing?

By Lami Akindele

“Look around and you will quickly realise that a career can be made out of just about anything — the internet and meme culture especially has made it easier than ever before to build a name for yourself and exploit income opportunities through viral exposure of whatever it is you may be good at.”

Why everyone wants to be a Nerd

Geek (ɡiːk/) noun: An unfashionable or socially inept person. A knowledgeable and obsessive enthusiast.

Nerd (nəːd/) noun: A foolish or contemptible person who lacks social skills or is boringly studious. A single-minded expert in a particular technical field.

Timi talks about how being a nerd has been (let’s say) accepted in popular culture now but aesthetics don’t tell the full story! Read more..

Bye January, Hello February.. More new content coming (as per), constant evolution, stories and ideas. Thank you for everyone that has been reading and contributing thus far! We are still at the very beginning of this journey! It’s only going to get better.

Tell a’ friend.

Twitter: FWRDnow

*if you have any feedback on FWRD, any ideas or suggestions, email;!

