Writing something new

A daily vlog but without the video

Published in
2 min readSep 21, 2017


This is just another daily blog, meaning I just say what's on my mind, how I’m feeling at the open. It’s an open diary.

So yesterday I wrote this:

Great feedback, as you can imagine I’m very much rusty, grammar and vocabulary need to improve, but it’s a start or let’s say “restart”. I thoroughly enjoy releasing a piece of content once I’ve put hours into it. It’s a weird rush, can’t quite explain it but it’s a good feeling. Reminds me of that saying “You have to die to go to heaven”, that for me is the process of writing and publishing. I’m assuming that this feeling happens with whatever project you are working on. It’s very important you remember that feeling when working on something you might not like at the moment but the feeling of you completing supersedes whatever you feel at the moment.

Made me think really, stick with something and it’ll pay off (well, hopefully). Sometimes I feel like I think I’m aiming for the product of success rather than actual success. Sometimes I feel like I seek motivation in the wrong places, and that motivation doesn’t last.

That’s one of the reasons I’ve started to watch Will Smith — Motivation video on youtube. The thoughts and ideas echoed here are things I want to believe; “He who says he can, he who says he can’t are both usually right”, “your thoughts are real”, “you have to believe what happened in the past, something different will happen now”. I’ve lost some hunger to me, lost a fight, I want to get it back, the obsessive drive, you know?

Anyway, It’s 21:30 I’m at Hoxton Hotel writing this, the music is too loud and I don’t feel in place which doesn’t usually happen considering I have come here so often. But yes, these are my thoughts and feelings, this post is probably laden with poor grammar and syntax but hey, I just wanted to get these thoughts out there real quick.


