FWS Behind the Lens: Kayt Jonsson

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USFWS Library
Published in
4 min readFeb 7, 2022
FWS Behind the Lens photographer and Multimedia Producer for External Affairs, Kayt Jonsson, is smiling big with a Monarch butterfly
FWS Behind the Lens photographer and Multimedia Producer for External Affairs, Kayt Jonsson, is smiling big with a Monarch butterfly. Photo Credit: Brett Billings/USFWS

Kayt Jonsson grew up outside of Cleveland, Ohio where she fostered a passion for photography by capturing moments with her family on a hand-me-down 35mm. During her undergraduate study Marietta College, she added videography, editing, and darkroom developing to her skillset.

After working for PBS and the United Way, Kayt moved to the Washington, D.C. area to attend American University and obtain her Master of Fine Arts in Film and Electronic Communications. While in attendance she secured an internship with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s External Affairs Headquarters office, where she still works today. Her internship began working on social media presence and she picked up video production projects anytime their was a shoot or editing needed.

Kayt Jonsson documenting stream restoration. Work being done to repair riparian habitat on the St. Vrain River, with special emphasis on the Preble’s meadow jumping mouse. Photo Credit: Kayt Jonsson/USFWS
Kayt Jonsson documenting stream restoration. Work being done to repair riparian habitat on the St. Vrain River, with special emphasis on the Preble’s meadow jumping mouse. Photo Credit: Kayt Jonsson/USFWS

Kayt’s current role as Multimedia Producer guarantees no two days are alike — from policy to teaching, Section 508 to production. Kayt does a lot of editing, motion graphics, and design using the footage of many wonderful photographers and videographers from all across the country. She spends a lot of time on teaching and Section 508 compliance, meaning she helps Service employees create accessible videos for people with low to no hearing or low to no vision. She loves being able to pass on what she’s learned to others and help them through the creative process.

One of the projects Kayt loved to work on was the Wing ID series, which helps to identify ducks by their wings in a reliable way. Although ducks may change their plumage through the year depending on breeding season, their wings don’t change. This initiative allowed Kayt to work with people from the field and in a different USFWS Program. They were able to put together a whole package — she took video footage and photos in their studio, recorded narration with the subject matter expert, edited the series, and worked with a web-specialist to put together a quiz yourself page. Test your knowledge on wing identification!

Using wing plumage is an effective way to tell the breed and sex of a duck. In this video, learn about how to tell the difference between mallard hens and drakes, especially those that are young of the year. Video by USFWS.

With over 200 images in the USFWS Library’s digital collection, Kayt has been able to share people from all ages connecting with nature whether it’s young kid casting their first fishing rod or an adaptive fishing program for Veterans.

A young girl and Vietnam Veteran enjoying a day lake fishing at Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge. Photo Credit: Kayt Jonsson/USFWS

Kayt has travelled to Oregon, California, Colorado, Deleware and a few other states for field trips that are in support with External Affairs or Refuges. Her photography shares the work of the Service from National Fish Hatchery to our National Wildlife Refuges, capturing moments of our employees hard at work or inspiring the public to get outdoors and experience wildlife.

Stocking fish to replenish at Leadville National Fish Hatchery in Colorado. Photo Credit: Kayt Jonsson/USFWS

While not at work, Kayt enjoys spending time with her family and tending to her cut flower garden which allows her to drop weekly bouquets off to neighbors, family, or friends. Dahlias and zinnias being the flowers of choice because they come in so many shapes, colors, and sizes, and are the subject of many photos during the summer months!

Dahlias and zinnias being the flowers of choice because they come in so many shapes, colors, and sizes, and are the subject of many photos during the summer months!
A colorful moment that makes you want to stop and smell the flowers. Kayt’s basket of fresh cut zinnias and dahlias as she walks through the garden selecting blooms. Photo Credit: Kayt Jonsson/USFWS

“Photos and videos are ways for me to freeze time and bottle up a memory. I love faces and close up shots with details I don’t want to forget.” — Kayt Jonsson

Through this blog, the FWS National Digital Library aims to highlight different people in the field who have contributed spectacular photography, with an eye toward reflecting the full mission of the Service. Visit us at: images.fws.gov. Brought to you by the USFWS Conservation Library. #FWSBehindTheLens #WeAreUSFWS



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