
Trent Allan
Published in
3 min readSep 29, 2023

In this week's diary, we will be discussing the upcoming contract migration, as we move away from our old smart contract and into a brand new shiny one.

If you were lucky enough to join our AMA on Thursday which had around 150 listeners, you would be very much across the plan. If you were not there then this will serve you as a good guide.

Why a New Contract?

The initial contract we launched in partnership with PROOF did its job. It allowed our token to go live and build our crypto community.

We have grown and evolved though, and we knew it was time to go out on our own and develop a custom contract so that we can do the things we know you, the community, want.

  • Reduced taxes
  • A growing liquidity pool
  • Improved ability to raise money
  • Staking and jackpots

Dates & Times

When is it happening?

6am PST, Thursday the 5th of October

That is in just under a week from now.

Day of Migration

On the day there is nothing for you to do.

Actually, that’s not true, you have a few things to do.

  • Make sure you’re keeping your eye on our Telegram group
  • Take a screenshot of your existing FX1 balance
  • Once we announce the airdrop is complete, check your wallet

Do note, that you will need to add the custom token to your wallet to see it.

Once we start the process at 6am PST, it’s unknown exactly how long the process will take. We do expect it to take one to two hours but as long as you’re in our group you’ll be across all the updates.

Launch Day Special

To leave this as a surprise I can’t tell you what we have in store for the day of launch. It’s super saucy though and so mouth-watering I actually need to go grab a tissue.

You’ll need to be in the group on the day to find out what it is. If you have not already joined our group, you can do so on the link below:

This event, along with the marketing effort we have tightly wrapped around it, is designed to make this a special launch.

Anything you can do to bring more friends into the group and tell them about us the more special this day will be.

We had our initial launch back in April this year, and we want to ensure this launch leaves that one in the dust.


This is really not that important, but just so you’re aware we’re changing our ticker in the new contract from FX1 to FXI (capital I instead of a 1) in order to allow our ticker to exist as a hashtag on X, the platform we all still call Twitter.


We’ll make sure we continue to keep you all updated, and once the contract migration is over we’ll move back to our regular company updates as we progress with our apps and our AI work.

Telegram // Twitter // Chart // Buy FX1 // Signup @ FX1

