
Trent Allan
5 min readDec 21, 2023


Hello FX1 fam.

Welcome to another edition of the weekly diary.

This is our 29th official diary and likely our last for the year as we approach Xmas and the start of a brand new year.

2024 is going to be a hell of a year for FX1 as we release our MMA minimal viable product for the UFC, and appear on the much anticipated Killer Whales TV show.

It’s also the year we intend to create our first official partnership with a MMA league.

Plus, much much more.

Community Gratitude

“It’s not what you know, it’s who you know”.

We know how true this statement is, but for us the people “we know” are not necessarily the famous and mega-wealthy.

I am talking about every single one of our community members and partners who has stayed with us on this journey, continuing to believe in us when others haven’t.

I have to give a shout-out to my good friend Jesse Press for his recent support in getting us in front of new communities. Jesse has been flying the flag for us since he first heard about what we were building.

We have mentioned Tony Drummond many times before but wanted to give praise for everything he has done to support us. We also wouldn’t be where we are without JP from Proof for all his help and support.

We have so many community members that I can’t possibly mention them all, but I know you know who you all are. I will give a special shout-out to Fred Flinstone, who continues to show unwavering support.

A quick hello to some new members including The Warden, Daniac, spkrmen, Kevin Flores, PiDock, Alex Santos and Fiona.

If you ever joined or sent a message to our TG group, if you have ever raided one of our posts, if you have ever told a friend about us. This makes you special, it makes you one of us, and it shows the world you know something special when you see it.

You won’t ever know how much you mean to us and how much we rely on your support to grow.

Updated CoinMarket Listing

Looooong time to get this done, I know.

But it’s done, our listing on CoinMarketCap (CMC) is correct and up to date ensuring everyone knows the right contract address.

CMC is a great tool for project awareness so if you have not already please favorite it and leave a comment as both will help us trend higher and get us in front of more investors.

New Hires & NFT Winners

We would like to give a warm welcome to a new team member Shpetim who is our new ML Ops engineer. Shpetim is here to help put the pieces together for our MVP launch in the new year.

We would also like to give a shout-out to the recent Fan Avatar earners.

I say ‘earners’ and not ‘winners’ because getting a Fan Avatar is not luck, it’s the furthest thing from it.

Our Fan Avatars are given to those who deserve them through their hard work and dedication to the cause. These people have been in the community for some time, and are also known because of how helpful they have been answering questions and showing support.

Dylan Lee

Hoddle that gold Dylan.

Golden Fan Avatar


Suck on that blunt Bailey.

Honorary Snoop Dog Fan Avatar


Swing that axe Oner.

Lumber Jack Fan Avatar


One more rep Pylkadot.

Gym Rate Fan Avatar

Ongoing issues with Opensea have meant we’re unable to mint Oner’s and Pylkadot’s NFTs, but we’re working to find a solution so we can transfer them.

Kick & Punch Force

Unless you have been living under a rock, you would have come across one of our prototype MMA videos.

We have demonstrated our ability to detect events in real-time meaning we’re using technology to count strikes landed and thrown. We have also been able to track the speed of strikes to know how fast or slow someone is striking.

Here is a link to one of our latest videos.

Coming up will be our first demonstration of our ability to track force.

Strikes landed are one thing, how clean and hard someone hits is another factor taken into consideration by judges.

Clean and hard strikes trump just the number of strikes landed.

Up until now, how has any judge determined how hard someone is hitting? It’s purely subjective based on what the judge can see sitting cage side.

The judge isn’t the one being hit though, and they certainly are not the ones landing the strike, so how accurate can their calculation be?

What if a judge had the exact pound (force) a fighter was hitting for every strike they threw?

For a little education, the pound (force) is the product of one avoirdupois pound (exactly 0.45359237 kg) and the standard acceleration due to gravity, 9.80665 m/s2 (32.174049 ft/s2).

If this confuses you, it means you’re normal.

Just know we are going to be tracking something that has never been tracked, allowing fight fans and judges to know exactly how hard someone is striking, over time throughout the fight.

Stay tuned for further updates.

Staking Update

Our staking project is making leaps and bounds in the right direction.

We’re super happy with the progress achieved since the project kicked off, and we’re on track for a release in early January.

Once we do have the feature live, we’ll be doing an AMA to answer all your questions and show you how it works.

For now, all you need to do is collect and Hoddle your $FXI to get ready to stake it.

Wrap Up

If you have not already, please go in and join our vibing Telegram group. It’s where all the fun is, and where you will get any questions you have answered very quickly.

As always, please give the story some claps. If you do have any questions leave them in the comments area, we promise to reply to every one of them.

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