
The first weekly diary of 2024

Trent Allan
4 min readJan 5, 2024


Welcome everyone to our new, latest, and greatest diary.

This is our first diary in 2024 after a break last week, and also our 30th to be published since we began writing these in April last year.

I hope everyone had an amazing end to the year, and is ready for everything and anything that 2024 brings.

The Road to Our MVP

We have been working to find product market fit since we first started building this company in late 2019.

Product market fit is rare for any startup to find.

Most never find it.

Product market fit is when you know you have something that people want so badly that they are willing to give you something in return for it.

We believe this year is the year we find it.

It starts next month when we release our updated app, an app that is going to look very different from how it looks now.

We have a revised color scheme, we have new functionality, and we have a fresh focus on combat sports, starting with MMA and the UFC.

Here is what the app store preview images will look like.

Once the app is released, for all UFC fights (fight nights and main cards) you’ll be able to:

  • Track the number of punches and kicks as they occur in real-time
  • Know how fast each fighter is striking (mph)
  • Know how hard each fighter is striking (pound-force)
  • See who our AI predicts to win at any point during the fight

The Significant Strike

You will also be able to track the number of significant strikes thrown. We have chosen a pound-force value that we believe results in a significant strike, finally at last bringing science to a non-science field.

To see our ability to track force and significant strikes, see a recent demo we did for a BKFC bare-knuckle fight.

A Renewed Focus on Our Apps

Soon we will be updating our website to effectively remove most core functionality, and instead drive all traffic to download our apps.

Maintaining both a website and apps can become very expensive and also dilutes your focus on building whatever functionality you’re building.

We also know that the phone is the preferred device, for the simple reason that most people can’t put their phone down.

A fight fan using the FX1 app while walking

On a more serious note, here is a look at the revised homepage going live next week.

Isn’t our designer next-level amazing? We think so, let us know in the comments.

Coming Soon: Staking!

In a perfect way to end the diary, our staking contract and webpage are making progress and we’re aiming to be live within the next few weeks.

Finally, soon you’ll be able to stake your $FXI and earn rewards in ETH.

The YouTube short linked above will give you more information on how this will work.

Wrap Up

In closing, I would like to reference a recent Tweet from Hello Labs, the creator of the much-anticipated Killer Whales TV show:

Will 2024 be the year of the Killer Whales?

We sure hope so!

As always, please give the story some claps. If you do have any questions leave them in the comments area, we promise to reply to every one of them.

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