
Trent Allan
Published in
3 min readJan 26, 2024

Welcome to diary #33 for FX1, in which we keep you updated on the progress over the last week.

Marketing & Awareness

With a new month approaching we have been working hard to locate and partner with the right people that can help move the project forward and create awareness of what we’re doing.

We know this is important, and it’s why we have a team focused on just this.

It’s important not just for our token, but for overall awareness so that when our app does officially cover our first UFC bout in February we will have more people using it and telling their friends about it.

If you are or know anyone that has access to large communities of MMA fans please reach out as we would love to speak with you about potential partnerships.

Staking Improvements

Staking has been live now for just under two weeks, and we’ve been happy to see the amount of $FXI staked in that time, which is currently at 61.9 million $FXI worth $2,800,493.

It’s such an honor to know that our community of $FXI holders has trusted us with their 2.8 million worth of $FXI; we’re working as hard as possible to provide the greatest return we can for those that have chosen to stake.

Work has just begun on a rebuild our of website, which will also include an update to our staking page so that you’re able to stake with many more wallets than just MetaMask.

Once we get this updated (2–3 weeks) you’ll be able to connect with most of the popular wallets, and we will also have a much-improved experience for users using their mobile phone to stake.

For those looking to get involved, head over to https://fx1.io/staking

App MVP Progress

It’s been a challenging week for our development teams as we get closer to the pointy end of things.

Doing something no one has done before presents challenges; it’s untrodden ground.

For anyone who has overseen the building of a basic website, you will understand the challenges that exist.

We face a much steeper uphill battle given we have multiple working parts of the business that need to work in sync for this to be a success.

We’re making progress though, we have most of the app functionality built and are working hard to improve our Python-based models to ensure the data we’re collecting is of high accuracy.

Below is a preview so you can see the progress for yourselves.

Killer Whales Debut

It’s getting close, not far away now fam.

After traveling down to LA for the shoot of the Killer Whales TV show last June, it’s been a hell of a wait to see it go live.

Hello Labs, the creator of the show has officially announced that episode #1 will be shown on February 8th, meaning we will be shown in episode #2 airing on https://tv.hello.one/ on February 15th.

Killer Whales TV Show

The show will reach mainstream TV in March, but those who preorder via the Hello.one website will get early access.

For a long time, FX1 has been building in the shadows, keeping our heads down and working like crazed entrepreneurs to build something the world wants and needs.

When the Killer Whales TV show reaches mass viewership our brand will be shown to millions of people worldwide.

We’re excited about what this will do and the attention it will bring.

Wrapping Up

We’re looking forward to getting the product in your hands, so ensure to stay updated in our Telegram group as well as here on Medium.

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