Services | Web App Development

Shane Gring
3 min readFeb 15, 2023


Digital products and services are critical for B2B and B2C businesses. Whether you’re working on an application, need a new platform, or simply looking to translate existing pieces of your core business into the digital realm, FXN’s App Development team wants to put the most cutting-edge tools at your disposal. And if the tools you need don’t exist, we’ll create them.

Our team of visionary engineers and software developers have decades of experience building, servicing, and maintaining systems of a broad spectrum. From account platforms to online digital standards and in-house billing systems, our team has seen — and built — it all.

We believe that successful 21st-century companies should reach their customers on all platforms and devices. Users expect to access everything from anywhere, and apps are one of the first places users seek out connection with a company. Our multi-functional development team can provide custom mobile application development services for any device, operating system, and browser.

Make it easier for your audiences to get engaged and stay engaged with your business by adding software development professionals to your team.

Here’s how we’re helped clients:

  • Creating dynamic digital standards
  • Building online account systems
  • Connecting existing data platforms with the CRM of your choice
  • Supporting existing applications

The satisfaction of our clients is our number one priority. Our collaborative approach ensures we work side-by-side with clients throughout the entire process of development for your custom mobile app. Every project has different needs, including distinctive features and complexity of design, so every process is unique. Our goal is to make sure no stone is left unturned and that we provide a mobile application that both our clients and their users will enjoy.

Explore our client case studies for an in-depth look at our work in action.

An example of our recent work:

Our process:

  • Our app client partners come from a range of industries and backgrounds. Some clients are looking to refresh or upgrade their mobile applications, while others are hoping to make a concept into a reality for the first time. No matter the challenge or vision, we collaborate with our clients to uncover the best technology solutions and integrations for their needs.
  • Combining the powers of research and data analysis, we assess which features and capabilities speak most to the users’ needs. We conduct both qualitative and quantitative user research, conduct stakeholder interviews, and develop user personas to create our clients’ user-centered applications.
  • Our designers work with our developers to create engaging, interactive mobile app experiences that span the entire user journey. By ensuring users can seamlessly navigate the application, we can develop a more technically efficient application. We want to set both our clients and end users up for success at every stage of our custom mobile application development process.
  • Our job isn’t finished when a new product launches. Depending on the scope, we can continue to work with clients to conduct quality assurance testing, A/B test features, and refine the US functionalities.

Interested in learning how FXN can help bring your app to life? Schedule a call today.



Shane Gring
Editor for

Telling stories, building teams, making purpose.