10 ways to earn money from home (I)

Find your digital self | FySelf
6 min readJul 1, 2020

Originally published by: Find your digital self | FySelf Blog

Working from home has been a good option since way before coronavirus. Even though social distancing has skyrocketed this modality of work. Many are the ways of earning money from home through the Internet.

Among the many advantages of teleworking we can find: saving time and money on transportation; more flexibility and freedom to organize your schedule, and in some cases you can even become your own boss.

But, it is necessary to keep in mind that work can invade your personal life. You must be able to set boundaries and delimitate spaces. Also, if your discipline and organizational skills are low, you will get distracted with family or any other household chore. There are some people who could consider the “loneliness” kind of uncomfortable because they would much rather work with coworkers at the office.

Nonetheless, working from home could be the perfect solution for many people, more so in the circumstances we face this year. Review this jobs and maybe some will inspire your next professional adventure.

This post has a follow up, so if you like the topic, keep posted on our blog and social media.

Working from home: 5 options

1. Freelance writer:

It’s an independent writer that could publish in different media, blogs, websites… It’s a very common option for journalists, social communicators, philologists, but it’s not limited to them. Many with the ability and creativity to write can venture.

According to an article in El Blog del Redactor Freelance, the average salary could go up to 1567 euros per month in Spain in 2017, charging an average of 41 euros per 300 word text. Nevertheless, the pay depends on the agreement. Some do it per hours dedicated to an article, others per words and others have a fixed monthly tariff.

Where to find these jobs?

There are many websites on the Internet that I would recommend, among them:

Freelance Writing: It allows you to receive job alerts each morning for freelance writers, after registering with your email. Since 1998 it has published the “Morning Coffee” bulletin. It does a weekly summary with the 8 best new jobs for autonomous.

El Blog del Redactor Freelance: It’s a writer’s community in Spanish. It has a Freelance Directory where you can inscribe yourself. There you have offers of writing services, but also proof-reading, translations or any other related offer.

Workana: It’s a platform where projects are posted with the goal of finding freelance workers. There’s a special section dedicated to web content writer.

2. YouTube

Fifteen years ago YouTube was launched. It’s the second world-leading social network by number of active users, only bested by Facebook. According to a ranking published by Statista this April, the platform reaches the 2000 million active users.

Most popular social networks worldwide as of April 2020, ranked by number of active users. Source: Statista
Most popular social networks worldwide as of April 2020, ranked by number of active users. Source: Statista

Daniel Middleton was leading the list of best paid Youtubers by the end of 2019, earning 13 million euros per year. His channel DanTDM, at the time of writing this article had already accumulated 23.2 million subscribers. His most recent video: “I Gooled Myself… And It Said THIS!”, that had only been uploaded 11 hours ago when writing this, had already had more than 850 thousand views.

How can you earn money in YouTube?

You must first create a Google account and then a YouTube channel, which is totally free. You must upload videos periodically so that you win more subscribers and visualization time.

For that, make sure that the content is good, use labels, attractive and short tittles, descriptions according to the content, miniatures. Download YouTube Studio so that you can manage all your channel’s stats.

But creating a channel is not enough for you to earn money. You must monetize it. This are the requisites:

  • Comply with all of YouTube’s monetization policies.
  • Living in a country where YouTube’s partner program is available. (It’s available in more than 100 countries)
  • To have more than 4000 hours of valid reproduction in the last 12 months.
  • Having more than 1000 subscribers.
  • Having an AdSense account linked to it.

Once they approve you, you’ll have access to all the monetization options. Each option has its requisites that you can find at the Help Center: earnings per advertisement, channel membership, library of products (Product library), superchat and super stickers and earnings from YouTube Premium.

What should my content be about?

Pick a topic and a concept for your channel. It can be about tutorials, recipes, jokes, curiosities, your country, a brand, your company or whatever you wish, as long as you can generate a lot of content. Be creative and authentic!

An important detail to remember is to make sure that you have the basic tools that you need in order for your channel to succeed (phone with a good camera, video editor, a small place at home to use as a set if needed…). Read about this and also consult some tips to grow quickly.

3. Community manager:

It’s a digital marketing professional, online community managers. They are the ones in charge of administrating social media for companies or businesses and of publishing content on them.

They work to increase a brands visibility using the digital environment as their platform. Their average salary is between 18000 and 25000 gross euros annually, according to the offers published in InfoJobs.

In the specialized social network: LinkedIn, many Community Manager options are published daily.

Job offer for TikTok Community Manager. Source: Jobs on LinkedIn
Job offer for TikTok Community Manager.
Source: Jobs on LinkedIn

4. Online Translations

Are you fluent in more than one language? This option is for you. Down here I give you two platforms as options to make your abilities more profitable:

Gengo: The interested person must register and pass a translation test that has two parts. Once passed, you must get familiar with their style book, environment and translation tools. Once you are prepared, translate away! The payments are done directly to your account per translation.

One hour translation: You can apply here. In this platform you can also take a test that not only includes your linguistic abilities, but also your experience and availability. Its community includes over 25000 professional certified translators all over the world. It has important clients like iHerb, Xiaomi y United Nations World Food Programme.

5. Crypto-currencies

You can also earn money if you win or buy cryptocurrencies and then exchange then for other fiduciary currencies. To the topic of cryptocurrencies, I dedicated a whole article, I suggest that you read it here if you haven’t yet done so.

The Mega Ricos web dedicated an article to 5 people that got rich with cryptocurrencies. Among them Daniel Colosi was referred to. He invested for the first time in cryptocurrencies in 2017 with a friend. The initial investment was of 4554 euros and he was able to obtain 182195 euros in just a few months, according to the website.

Erik Finman on March 9 introduced his own bill in Congress. Photo: Taken from his Instagram account
Erik Finman on March 9 introduced his own bill in Congress.
Photo: Taken from his Instagram account

On the other hand, it also shows the example of Erik Finnman, who invested 811 euros, which was his grandmother’s gift to him for his 12th birthday, in bitcoins back in 2011 and now he has an estimated fortune of 3.64 million euros.

Will FySelf also be a source to generate incomes from home? What other effective ways are there to make money on the Internet? I’ll explain all this in the second part of this article.



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