Discovering FySelf Profiles

Find your digital self | FySelf
4 min readDec 3, 2020

Originally published by: Find your digital self | FySelf Blog

Currently there are many entities that request our personal data. Therefore, we fill out hundreds of forms that involve not only time expenses, but also paper. Our company has the digital solution for that with the FySelf Profiles.

If as a user of the platform you keep all your personal data updated, it will be much easier to deliver the personal information that any institution requests from you. Learn more about FySelf Profiles so you can make the most of them.

What is a profile?

A profile on FySelf is one of the main structures, together with Packs, for users to upload and organize their personal data. They are a set of predetermined fields, which refer to a specific area of ​​our lives.

The default format of FySelf Profiles makes them easy for users to complete. This also enables their rapid management in case companies, authorities or institutions request them or if the user decides to share them to receive profits.

Differences with other networks

In a previous article, we commented on the FySelf Functionalities that make us unique, among them the Profiles stand out. FySelf has a new concept of Profile. As we explained, there is not only one,but several profiles that the user can fill.

Another relevant detail in this process is that, the more personal data you complete in the FySelf Profiles, the more your reputation grows on our platform. This will, in turn, increase your Leaves, which in the not too distant future, may be exchanged for real money.

In addition, the more completed profiles you have as a User, the greater the chances that FySelf Clients will be interested in your data and, if they pay for them and you authorize it, you can receive a good part of that benefit in the form of Leaves.

FySelf Profile Management

FySelf Profiles can be associated with, for example, education or health services: Education Profile or Health Profile. In addition, there are others related to the user’s physical characteristics, as well as hobbies or the family tree.

The User, in addition to adding and completing profiles, can also share those they want with other users and institutions. This way, you grant permission so that others can access your personal data collected in them.

It is also possible to delete the information declared in a profile and remove it from the list of completed or active profiles and export the information of a specific profile to pdf format. This option brings with it the idea of a new Curriculum Vitae, which complements our concept of Packages.

Of course, there are some functions that you will not be able to perform within the FySelf Profiles. These are: delete, modify or add new fields.

Privacy of FySelf Profiles

Defining the privacy status of the profile is a prominent option that you can perform with your active profiles. As a User, you will have the power to decide if that personal information that you have completed is: Public, Private or Protected.

If a profile is Public, the information included in it will be available for the validation of your contacts or for inclusion in statistics. On the other hand, if it is Private, only your reference contacts will be able to validate them and access will only be possible through permissions or invitation. Meanwhile, those profiles marked with the Protected option will be accessible only to you as the sole owner of the personal information they contain. Not even the administrators of our platform will be able to access them.

FySelf profiles and digital identity

FySelf Profiles, as a structure to organize your personal information by specific fields and areas, allow you to build your digital identity. This will be organized in an easy and simple way. Just with a couple of clicks you can complete forms or deliver part of that information when requested by companies or institutions. Additionally, our platform empowers you as the owner and beneficial owner of the value of your personal data.

FySelf, the world’s first social identity network, has as one of its novelties the concept of profiles. These will be a personal blog, which will also allow you to obtain benefits. Follow us on our networks and wait for the next launch of the platform.



Find your digital self | FySelf

FySelf is a tool that aims to facilitate everyone’s paperwork using a valid #OnlineIdentity. Our team is all over the world. | #FindYourDigitalSelf