FIFA for data protection

Find your digital self | FySelf
3 min readDec 4, 2020

Originally published by: Find your digital self | FySelf Blog

The issue of data protection is a trend and the International Federation of Association Football (FIFA) knows it. For this reason, it promotes actions to draw attention to this issue in the world of football.

In recent days, they held the 2nd Data Protection Summit. Let us know some more details about this meeting that, without a doubt, sets a standard in the current sports universe.

Agenda of the 2nd Data Protection Summit

The 2nd Data Protection Summit took place last week virtually, due to the coronavirus pandemic. During a single working day, FIFA brought together more than 300 participants.

The purpose of this meeting was to share good practices on data protection. In addition, it was the ideal moment to exchange evaluations between member federations, confederations, clubs, leagues and player representatives.

Participants were able to debate and listen to talks on relevant topics for the sports world. Among the topics addressed were: health data management, the management of new technologies and their impact on data protection, the cross-border flow of data and the protection of player data.

During the 2nd Data Protection Summit they presented the new FIFA Data Protection Portal, a platform that brings together information and resources for potential partners of the organization, and the FIFA Brief Guide on data protection.

Compliance has to evolve and become more meaningful to the end users over time. This task falls on us as privacy and compliance professionals, just as it is our responsibility to deliver tools in accordance with this mission.

Patrick Trépanier, Director of the FIFA Compliance Branch

Guests in the debate

Among those who took part in the event is José Luis Piñar, former director of the Spanish Agency for Data Protection and current Data Protection delegate of the Royal Spanish Football Federation. The data protection expert emphasized the importance of developing a regulatory framework for sport. Likewise, he reflected on the treatment of data from minors in the sector at an international level.

The Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP) also participated as an international expert. The IAPP offered a webinar focused on the international experiences of clubs and federations on the subject of data protection.

We all love this beautiful game. Being able to share football is a treasure on a global level, and by sharing football we also share data, share information with each other and learn about the players. We must protect all that data.

Trevor Hughes, President and CEO, IAPP

The health issue was not left out of the eyes of the experts. Precisely the closing debate of the day dealt with the management of health data. This panel was moderated by Andrew Massey, FIFA Medical Director, along with guests from the football community and representatives from both the International Tennis Federation and World Rugby, who discussed health data management in the sports field.



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