FySelf on the Spanish route for a digital world

Find your digital self | FySelf
4 min readDec 28, 2020

Originally published by: Find your digital self | FySelf Blog

The year 2020 has been especially hard for life in general, and the technology sector was no exception. Despite this, the Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI), published last June, indicates Spain among the countries with the most progress in the last five years.

This indicates that the Spanish nation is clear that the digital path is key to sustainable social development.

This coronavirus crisis has shown how crucial it is for citizens and businesses to be connected and to be able to interact with each other online. We will continue to work with Member States to identify the areas where more investment is needed so that all Europeans can benefit from digital services and innovations.

Margrethe Vestager, Executive Vice President of the European Commission, during the DESI presentation

Significant changes have taken place in the Iberian nation. In other articles we have commented on the Charter of Digital Rights, submitted for public consultation. In addition, the ambitious Spain Digital 2025 project, presented by the President of the Government himself, Pedro Sánchez.

With these facts, what is the Spanish tech context and what should you bet on?

Spain according to DESI: lessons

According to the DESI report, Spain still has a long way to go in order to position itself as a leading nation in the European Union. To do this they must reach the level of Finland, Sweden, Denmark and the Netherlands.

In the list of all the member nations of the EU, Spain ranks number 11 on the Digital Economy and Society Index. This translates into an improvement in four of the five major indicators covered by the report.

Details according to the National Security website.

  • Connectivity: The nation maintains the fifth place it had achieved in the 2019 DESI. It is valid to point out that connectivity at a national level has improved. However, restrictions due to the pandemic have postponed, for example, the auction process for the 700 MHz frequency band.
  • Digital Competences: Spain’s values ​​are below the EU average in human capital indicators. A trend that, despite this, was better this year in which the government is working on a digital training strategy.
  • Internet use: This figure has grown and is above the average of the European region. Although in specific data, the online buys and sells are below the EU average.
  • Integration of digital technology: Spain is in 13th place in the EU and its score coincides with the average for the region. Although the digitization of SMEs is somewhat weak, 200 million euros will help to improve very fast in the next two years. In addition, the nation wants to promote the integration of digital technology in companies.
  • Digital Public Services: Here Spain has the second place in the EU and the indicators show a high level of online interaction between public authorities, citizens and companies.

The data we release today shows that the industry is turning more than ever to digital solutions. We must ensure that this also happens with SMEs and that the most advanced digital technologies are spread throughout the economy.

Thierry Breton, European Commissioner for the Internal Market, at the DESI presentation last June

FySelf in the Spanish context

In response to the growth of Internet use, as well as the need to integrate technology with Public Services, our platform is inserted in the Spanish context and is committed to a safe and universal identity for all.

Based in the European country, under the name of FySelf España Sl, we are certain that digital identity. Our Network from our conception, will be useful for everyone and will save time and expenses.

The first social identity network provides a new concept of profiles, something revolutionary for the social networks. In addition, you can organize your personal information not only in the profile mode, but also as packs, which with just a few clicks you can share with whoever you want.

Another of our renewing elements is users, who will be the sole owners and beneficiaries of your personal data. FySelf is the world’s first social identity network that wants to empower its users.

Did you know about the FySelf project? It comes at a key moment for the technological development of Spain and Europe in general… and we are sure that it will have an impact on your personal life. Will you jump aboard?



Find your digital self | FySelf

FySelf is a tool that aims to facilitate everyone’s paperwork using a valid #OnlineIdentity. Our team is all over the world. | #FindYourDigitalSelf