Hottest topics of 2020 in the blog FySelf

Find your digital self | FySelf
5 min readDec 29, 2020

Originally published by: Find your digital self | FySelf Blog

Very soon, we will be closing 2020. A year marked by the coronavirus pandemic and its terrible impact, but also where technology has been vital to continue being active from our homes. Without a doubt, this year has made it very clear that digital technology is there to make our lives easier. If you have any doubts about it, discover the top 10 most read texts in blog FySelf 2020.

1. Most used social networks

Social media has been more than useful in this year when the coronavirus pandemic made us confine ourselves at home. That is why it is not surprising that the most read text on our blog is a ranking of social networks. Find out the ranking of the most used networks in the world until April 2020 according to Statista. We only anticipate that among the best positioned are some of the well-known ones worldwide and some other surprises. This list is obviously dominated by networks created in North America and Asia.

2. Everything we find online is not true and vice versa

2020 has been marked by the pandemic and also by phenomena such as intoxication and infodemic. Sometimes we get overwhelmed with all the information that the networks and digital media bombard us with. We need to set limits and learn to identify reliable information on the Internet. This text is the second most read on our blog. In it you’ll learn to understand that all we read on the internet is not true, especially in these times.

Discovering the Theory of the Six Degrees of Separation

Social networks are based on the Theory of the Six Degrees of Separation. To understand what this proposal is about, formulated for the first time in the 1930’s story, «Chains», by the Hungarian writer Frigyes Karinthy, we dedicated a text on our blog to it. Click on the image below and discover how it is possible that only six people separate you from your favorite singer or the fashionable politician.

4. Quarantine apps

Apps saved us from the ostracizing of our home, when the coronavirus pandemic caused strong quarantines across the planet. These were useful both for telecommuting and for keeping in touch with family and friends.

5. Estonia: inspiration and guidance

Estonia, the first digital nation on the planet, has been a source of inspiration for the creation of our FySelf platform. Therefore, we are not surprised that the news about its inclusion among the three most digitally advanced countries in 2020, according to the UN, has been another of the most read texts on our blog.

6. Zero Waste Mindset

At FySelf we believe in technological development with a sustainable approach and protection of the environment. For this reason, Zero Waste is one of the causes that we defend. In the top 10 of the most read articles, the list of influencers on the subject could not be left out. Tap on the collage below and discover who are those faces that are behind an issue that has been a trending topic this year and promises to prevail in 2021.

7. In search for immortality

Being immortal has been a wish of humanity for centuries. Finding a way to perpetuate oneself and not die is a major desire of contemporary human beings. Our CEO reflected on this matter in this article that we recommend and which is included in our top 10 most read texts in 2020.

8. Bitcoin prevails

Bitcoin is trending. For this reason, it is not surprising that ATMs of this cryptocurrency are increasingly abundant, even in the midst of the health crisis, their transactions have been increasing. Discover how the number of Bitcoin ATMs or cryptocurrency ATMs have behaved and what advantages they have for those who use them in this article.

9. What is FySelf?

FySelf is the world’s first social identity network. We have dedicated several articles to its functionalities and news. But, if you want to understand in depth what a social identity network is, you should read this article. A text that has been the most read on our blog, precisely because of its revolutionary concepts.

10. Identity as a right

On more than one occasion we have mentioned the more than one billion people in the world who lack an identity. This is a fact that alarms and concerns, since all human beings have the right to an identity as a fundamental right. Discover details about it in this article, which closes our top 10 of 2020.

This is a small summary of the most read texts on our blog in 2020. Follow the FySelf networks and tell us what other topics interest you and would like to see reflected on the platform.



Find your digital self | FySelf

FySelf is a tool that aims to facilitate everyone’s paperwork using a valid #OnlineIdentity. Our team is all over the world. | #FindYourDigitalSelf