Personal data: The user is the sole owner

Find your digital self | FySelf
3 min readOct 29, 2020

Originally published by: Find your digital self | FySelf Blog

In today’s world, marked by the massive dynamics of social networks and the Internet, our personal data is a luxury commodity. Social platforms are free, but we pay for them with our information. So, in this virtual world we are merchandise and data has value. Generally, in those spaces we do not have absolute control over them.

However, this reality has begun to change. In recent years, initiatives have emerged that take into account, as one of their essential elements, that users must have true and absolute control over their personal information. Each person decides what data they share and with whom.

Solid: Tim Berners-Lee’s bet to change the web

One of the most innovative projects on the subject of users having control over their information is the Tim Berners-Lee’s, the father of the World Wide Web. We are talking about the open source platform “Solid” that comes from Social Linked Data.

Berners-Lee began to develop it together with researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

Solid is a technology, like the Web, but a new level of standard which adds to existing protocols to make it more powerful, particularly to empower individuals at home and at work.

Solid project website

It enables a single global login system. In addition, the platform provides PODs, separate places, for users to store their data. As if this wasn’t enough, it is possible to share any file, folder, contact, information with anyone who has a Solid ID.

Wibson: make money with your data

Wibson is a platform created with the essential goal of people monetizing their personal data on the blockchain. Users at Wibson are the true owners and beneficiaries of their personal data.

We believe that people have a fundamental right to privacy. Our goal is to provide you with the tools to exercise that right. The time has come for citizens to regain control over their data.

Web Wibson

Its essential principles are:

  • Balance: The essential purpose of the platform is to build an ecosystem of reliable data for users and companies.
  • Transparency: It is always possible to know which companies have your data and for what reasons.
  • Control: Users have full control of their personal data.

Recently, the platform has launched an app so that users know which companies have their information and can control it. This allows them to demand the elimination of their data, using the right to be forgotten that is established by the General Data Protection Regulation (RGPD).

FySelf: first Social Identity Network

Our company FySelf OÜ, created in Estonia in January this year, is producing the world’s first social identity network. One of our maxims is that we place value on user data. Basically, all your valuable information on our platform can be monetized in Leaves.

In parallel to giving real value to your personal data, we also offer a universal and protected identity. We have developed a business model where users are the legitimate owners and beneficiaries of their data. Therefore only you, as a FySelf User, decide what information is public and which one you want to share with companies or friends.

In addition, we defend causes related not only to technology, but also to the protection of the environment, philanthropic work and Zero Waste. So that you can be part of the company’s endeavors, we have the category of Logger and Voluntary Collaborating Logger. Learn more about our development programs, we want to count on you to develop our platform.

Only you are the owner of your personal data. What you decide to do with them cannot be in the hands of an online platform. FySelf promotes a virtual world where you are the one who decides. Don’t miss the opportunity to join our platform for a universal, safe and protected identity.



Find your digital self | FySelf

FySelf is a tool that aims to facilitate everyone’s paperwork using a valid #OnlineIdentity. Our team is all over the world. | #FindYourDigitalSelf