Scotland, Supplier’s Day and digital identity

Find your digital self | FySelf
2 min readSep 9, 2020

Originally published by: Find your digital self | FySelf Blog

The digital identity route in Scotland focuses right now on the Supplier’s day. The celebration will take place on the 6th of October, online.

The government of the European nation has posted a Prior Information Notice (PIN), to invite possible bidders to the project.

What is Scotland proposing?

Next October, the government will present the goals of the beta phase of its Digital Identity Service, which would be used in all the public sector. The design development will also be available and the strategic context in which it stands.

Is important to realize, that this project, named Scottish Government Digital Identity Scotland — Beta Stage, today does not have the contracting limit of the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU). That is to say, it doesn’t include the bidding requisites related. For the moment, it has completed the discovery phase and the alpha project.

The Scottish government is clear that the more public services become digitally available, the more cost, time and work reduction for both suppliers and users.

According to the government announcement, the digitalization of public services allows “the opportunity to provide a mechanism through which the users of the service can share verified attributes (specific data of their situation that has been verified as exact by a trusted provider), with one or more public service provider”.

The document states the possibility of sharing the verification has advantages such as:

  • Reducing the need to provide and validate data continuously to allow access to services.
  • Reduce time and costs associated with the applications of such services.
  • Reduce the potential frauds establishing a trusted framework of verified attributes.
  • Maximize accessibility of public services to people to help reduce inequalities.

How to participate?

In order to participate, the parties interested in this project should register via email. In general, the government foresees the publication of the contract notice at the end of November of this year.

“The Digital Identity Scotland program wants to design and offer a service of digital identity that continuously upgrades and has the potential to develop, evolve and get better with time”.

Scottish Government Digital Identity Scotland — Beta Stage



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