Social identity network: tool, entertainment or work?

Find your digital self | FySelf
4 min readMay 15, 2020

Originally published by: Find your digital self | FySelf Blog

Some social networks provide entertainment, among them TikTok. Others have utilities for networking (LinkedIn) or articulate useful communities to learn things (Meetup). It is also common to use virtual tools like Zoom or Trello for teamwork. But, a social identity network: is it meant to entertain, working or does it serve as a tool to achieve certain purposes?

In other posts we have commented on what a social identity network is. But it is a new concept, perhaps you still need more information to make the jump to such a new platform.

Is a social identity network … a tool?

Many virtual platforms make life easier for their users in multiple ways. For some, it is easier to find a partner on Tinder than in “real life”; or share cooking tips on Recipefy than buying recipe books.

Maybe then you wonder if a social identity network will allow you to achieve certain objectives, becoming a tool for your daily life. After reading the following points, we invite you to judge for yourself.

FySelf is the first project designed as a social identity network. This platform allows to:

  • Organize the information about yourself that you need to contribute to institutions, companies, employers, banks, migratory services, etc.
  • Receive quickly and easily the data you need about other people, as well as share yours with a guarantee of reliability unprecedented on other platforms.
  • Create a reliable repository of the personal information of your clients or employees.

Will you find entertainment on such a network?

Make no mistake, beyond the convenience of being perennially connected with other people anywhere in the world, social networks fulfilled in the first instance their promise of providing entertainment. Let’s look at Facebook, the page that caused the “universalization of social apps”, even though it was not the first.

So you are concerned that the social identity network is … boring? On a website like FySelf, you can:

  • See posts from your contacts, so you will be aware of what is happening in their lives. You can also share fragments of your own life: photos of the friends you meet with, recommendations of places to visit, etc.
  • Do surveys, as a simple and fun way to get support for your decisions, including the criteria of many people. Do you want to buy a watch and you don’t know if it looks good on your hand? Your contacts can help you, as well as a computer system that´s going to know you better every day.

Social identity network: a source of employment too?

Social networks like LinkedIn get you a job, at least they serve as intermediaries for the scouts to find you. Others serve to optimize work. But none of them pays you anything from the benefits they obtain for the value from your data.

Didn’t you know what free social networks live on? Here we leave you a post that explains it clearly.

So, if the big technology companies are still standing thanks to your data … Have you thought how cool would it be if someone gave you the opportunity to participate in that business? Well, the moment came:

  • At FySelf, the first social identity network, each user has a reputation: this validates the information they provide about themselves and others. In this way, personal data becomes more valuable to potential buyers.

With a certain number of leaves (score) and a certain reputation, the user will be able to collect a percentage of the value of the data that the company has managed to sell. The accumulated amount of money will always be visible, even when the person has not met the requirements to collect it.

Are you out of work? Would you like to obtain more benefits by using not only your data? A social identity network also offers the possibility of acting as an intermediary, registering data from other people. So you can have more profits, and a job where you manage your time.

All this must seem very novel to you. It is! On YouTube you will find a lot more content about the FySelf project. It’s ok if you want to spend some time understanding why registering on a social identity network can be a good idea in this hard 2020.

A social identity network helps you find your digital self, obtaining various benefits. We’lll be waiting for you!



Find your digital self | FySelf

FySelf is a tool that aims to facilitate everyone’s paperwork using a valid #OnlineIdentity. Our team is all over the world. | #FindYourDigitalSelf