Social identity network: what is it?

Find your digital self | FySelf
3 min readApr 16, 2020

Originally published by: Find your digital self | FySelf Blog

All social networks that you know so far fulfill certain functions, which have completely changed the communication paradigm at the time.

However, the digital society is reaching a turning point where other virtual platform models will gain strength.

Today we are talking about a new possibility: the social identity network. Sounds interesting? Read on.

What does a social identity network looks like?

Is it a social network?

Yes, it is a social network because…

It has social network features: you connect with people, you can invite them to the platform, share information and interact in real time with other users.

It is not a traditional social network because …

Its main objective is not to share content or meet people, although that can be done too.

The purpose of a social identity network is to achieve a reliable source of data on the identity of people, safe as a bank and at the same time universal.

Is it an identity document?

Today it is not one because…

It is not endorsed by the government of a country, which usually certifies the identity documents of natural persons.

Yes, it is a reliable record of people’s identity, because…

The network automatically validate all the information that individuals provide, using data corroborated by other users. Everything is processed statistically using artificial intelligence.

So, what is a social identity network?

A social identity network is an online tool to build the identity of each person basing on other users’ participation.
A social identity network is an online tool to build the identity of each person basing on other users’ participation.

A social identity network is an online tool to build the identity of each person basing on other users’ participation.

The reliability of the available data is based on statistical information processed with artificial intelligence. It obtains each piece of information from the interactions, wich normally occur on social network.

What is it for?

A social identity network allows to:

  • Manage and control all your personal information in a secure place
  • Participate in the benefits obtained from the sale of personal information
  • Have a valid form of identification before institutions, banks or other entities
  • Aspire to create a source of employment for users willing to register the data of other people on the platform
  • Share content, post, meet people and communicate in a similar way to traditional social networks.

Who will be joining that network?

In a social identity network will be users who wish to register their personal data in a secure place, and be aware of any use or transaction that derives from that data. All this without stop doing similar activities to those carried out on traditional social networks.

In addition to managing their own personal data, participating individuals will also act as intermediaries to other individuals by registering them in the network.

Finally, the clients of the platform will be those legal persons (institutions, government entities, companies, banks) that request services. These services include accessing certain information, obtaining statistical trends or supporting informed decision making and even representation by the platform before a third party.

What kind of information does it store?

A social identity network stores all kind of information. From basic data such as name, surname and age to other more advanced like blood group, academic results, interests or clothing size. Any data that may be relevant to other people, businesses or institutions.

In contrast to other platforms, the storage of all such data is made transparently to the user, who consciously uploads all his data and specifies the privacy level of each field.


In other words, a traditional social network focuses on users. These upload content to the platform , whose veracity is not validated ((neither the content’s nor the accounts that shared them).

Meanwhile, the social identity network focuses on the data, and the verification of these, provides credibility to the user.

A traditional social network is focused on users: they upload content whose veracity is not validated. A social identity network is data-centred, and it’s verification provides credibility to the user.

Would you sign up for a social identity network? Stay tuned: your opportunity is almost here



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FySelf is a tool that aims to facilitate everyone’s paperwork using a valid #OnlineIdentity. Our team is all over the world. | #FindYourDigitalSelf