Spain bets on Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Find your digital self | FySelf
3 min readDec 11, 2020

Originally published by: Find your digital self | FySelf Blog

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the future of humanity and Spain knows it. For this reason, the government designed ENIA (National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence). Therefore this is a project that aims to address the impact of this technology on life.

One of the most relevant data in this document, presented by the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, is that the Iberian nation will in fact invest 600 million euros in artificial intelligence in the period 2021–2023.

What does ENIA propose?

ENIA integrates the Spain Digital 2025 plan, which came to light at the end of July this year. This strategy overall seeks to contribute to the four main transformations: ecological, digital, gender equality and social and territorial cohesion.

In 90 pages it includes a foreword by Pedro Sánchez, the strategy’s objectives, action plan and measures to implement. Among the annexes, a review on the role of AI in the response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

ENIA has also seven strategic objectives, among which stand out the desire to position Spain as a leading nation that promotes scientific excellence and innovation in AI; the use of the Spanish language in the development of AI; the transformation of the productive fabric with this technology, and promoting inclusive and sustainable AI.

Artificial intelligence poses a challenge for everyone, including public administrations and citizens as a whole. We need to have the necessary adaptability and to tackle such a major challenge with equity and efficiency.

Pedro Sánchez, during the presentation of the ENIA

Strategic axes for the development of AI

As part of its structuring, the ENIA, prepared by the Secretary of State for Digitization and AI, foresees six strategic axes. These will comply with the proposed objectives and, in addition, group the priority actions that they will implement in the 2020–2025 period:

  • Promote scientific research, technological development and innovation in AI.
  • Promote the development of digital capabilities, enhance national talent and attract global talent.
  • Develop data platforms and technological infrastructures that support AI.
  • Integrate AI into value chains to transform the economic fabric.
  • Promote the use of AI in Public Administration and in national strategic missions.
  • Establish an ethical and regulatory framework that reinforces the protection of individual and collective rights. This basically aims to guarantee well-being and social inclusion.

In tune with the rest of Europe

The ENIA document itself prescribes that its preparation responds to the commitment with European partners so that the European Union could be the leader in such matters. This is included in the Digital Agenda for Europe, the “AI for Europe” Strategy, adopted in 2018, the AI ​​Coordinated Plan 2019–2027, the Communication COM (2020) and the White Paper on Artificial Intelligence, which was released in February this year.

The President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, also referred to the importance of AI and its development in her State of the Union Speech, delivered on September 16. In that speech, she assured that “artificial intelligence will open up new worlds for us. But those worlds also need rules”.

Focused on the Iberian nation, the ENIA is in tune with the plan for the European region. It seeks to empower the EU as a leader and also to achieve the long-awaited technological sovereignty.

This National Strategy is not proposed as a closed document, of an administrative nature, but as a dynamic, flexible and open framework for the contribution of companies, citizens, social agents and other public administrations. It is a country project, in which the Government wants to integrate everyone, for an inclusive and sustainable economy.

Pedro Sánchez, foreword of ENIA.



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