Telework in the world and our Loggers

Find your digital self | FySelf
2 min readOct 5, 2020

Originally published by: Find your digital self | FySelf Blog

The year 2020 has skyrocketed telework. The COVID-19 pandemic still has a great impact on the work life of hundreds of people around the world. Workers had to abandon their offices and start working from home.

This decision has been a challenge to some while, for other, the transition has been quite easy. But, the truth is, working from home, teleworking or working remotely was already a rising trend way before coronavirus. The pandemic’s arrival has only accelerated the process, and thus proving that it is here to stay.

Figures of teleworking in the world

Figures don’t lie. According to the Global Survey on Experiences in Working from Home, 2020, telework is a growing practice. Let’s look at some numbers:

  • 88% of employees, during the pandemic, work from home on a regular basis. Before it was only 31%.
  • 70% of the Managers assure that working from home is the same or better for the professional performance of their team.
  • Before coronavirus, less than 31% of people wanted to work from home at least once a week. Since the pandemic broke out, this number has increase to 76%.

In addition to these numbers, a research developed by the Gartner, Inc. company in 2020, also confirms the teleworking trend. This study surveyed 317 Directors and financial leaders and among the main results were that 74% confirmed that they would relocate at least 5% of their workforce to remote work in the post-COVID-19 era. To this you can add that at least a quarter of the surveyed indicated that they would move at least 20% of their workforce to remote work permanently.

FySelf and Telework

In FySelf we believe in teleworking as an active formula to make our platform grow. For this we have developed the “Loggers” concept. These users are selected by our company so that they could work independently as Registrars-Sellers of our services or even grow and create their own business.

If you sign a contract with FySelf and pass our certification course, you can work from anywhere in the world and, of course, earn money while doing so. Interest users, create a Register and Sales Office, attract investors, incorporate volunteer and motivate international organizations to donate funds to our company are just some of the chores that Loggers can develop.

In FySelf we defend teleworking as an option of professional and entrepreneurial growth. If you share our causes and are interested in our work: Join our Team! You can be part of FySelf!



Find your digital self | FySelf

FySelf is a tool that aims to facilitate everyone’s paperwork using a valid #OnlineIdentity. Our team is all over the world. | #FindYourDigitalSelf