The world with COVID-19: WHO and the FySelf Global Survey

Find your digital self | FySelf
3 min readNov 17, 2020

Originally published by: Find your digital self | FySelf Blog

The coronavirus remains a pandemic. The numbers grow daily, while social distancing has marked our lives for almost all of 2020. At FySelf, we also think about those people who have survived the disease. Let’s take a look at how the world has fared under COVID-19 and what role we, FySelf, can play with our Global Survey in this context.

WHO facing the COVID-19 dilemma

Since the coronavirus disease broke out in the Chinese city of Wuhan in December 2019, the World Health Organization (WHO) has advocated physical distancing, surface hygiene and the use of masks. Necessary measures to stop the advance of a pandemic that has put the health systems of most of the world in check.

From March to the date, millions of people on the planet have been confined to the space of the home, while teleworking has reached astronomical figures and distance learning has grown.

As the pandemic unfolds, as countries have reflected, they have used internal evaluations during the implementation of the measures adopted to strengthen their responses. These assessments use a whole-of-society, multi-sectoral approach, acknowledging the contributions of all relevant stakeholders involved in the preparedness and response to COVID-19 at a national and sub-national level”.

Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, opening speech of the press conference on COVID-19 on November 6, 2020.

Recent statistics of the pandemic raise alerts again

In the last fifteen days, according to recent statements by Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Head Director, cases have skyrocketed in countries in Europe and North America. The manager assured that the world is experiencing another critical moment “for people to unite in favor of a common purpose.”

According to the WHO, the world epidemiological situation in the last week alerts that the number of COVID-19 cases grew by 8% compared to the previous week. The numbers total more than 3.6 million new cases, while new deaths have risen by 21% to more than 54,000. The pandemic is still among us, claiming lives.

In the geographical distribution of the infested and deceased, Europe is, unfortunately, still at the forefront. The region reported more than half (54%) of all new cases and almost half (47%) of new deaths.

FySelf and its response to the coronavirus

The coronavirus did not manage to stop the work of our company FySelf OÜ. On the contrary, the work dynamics were readjusted and we continued our work. Our goal is to launch the first Social Identity Network on the planet soon.

The FySelf thought not only of a single, unique, secure and universal identity. We have also taken into account the impact of the pandemic on people. The story of each patient saved from COVID-19 has much to contribute to the path of research on the virus and the ways in which it can mutate.

For this reason, we have prepared FySelf Global COVID-19 Survey.

Internal assessments not only help countries improve their response to COVID-19 but also contribute to their long-term health security. To date, 21 countries have completed this type of assessment, which in other countries is still ongoing.

Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, opening speech of the press conference on COVID-19 on November 6, 2020.

FySelf Global Survey is a unique space, which will be created from personal experiences, where the millions who suffered from the coronavirus can tell about their experience with the disease.

The answers, in turn, will become a repository of symptoms and sequelae. This can be extremely useful for the scientific community, which today is working hard to find vaccines and treatments for the pandemic.

The FySelf Global Survey on the Coronavirus will make finding answers about the pandemic that continues to claim lives on the planet possible. Be part of our community so that you can stay up to date with its launch.



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