Case Study: Geofencing Insights- Spain vs Portugal

Justin Mann
Published in
1 min readAug 8, 2018

We recently did a case study during the FIFA World Cup. We took a look at the Spain vs. Portugal game, which took place on June 18th, to determine how many of the fans at that game were from either Spain or Portugal.

It turns out 2.6x as many fans there were Spanish, than were Portuguese. The way that we determined this was we drew what’s called a ‘geofence’ around the stadium in Russia, then took a look at all the fans in that stadium and said “ok,— how many of these fans have spent the previous several months either in Spain or Portugal?”

If we saw that these fans had spent many months in Spain, we determined they were ‘Spanish’ and we did the same for Portugal.

This shows the power of location data and we look forward to producing more case studies just like this in the future.

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Fysical is a location data marketplace protocol. We provide infrastructure for the transparent and compliant trade of location data on the blockchain.

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