Crypto Fights Game Guide 1.0

Allie Perez
2 min readJun 7, 2022


CryptoFights is a turn-based D20 fighting strategy game between two opponents, using their strategically selected actions from a diverse ability tree, with the goal to fight their way into the top leaderboard positions!


Compete online & challenge friends! CryptoFights turn-based PvP battles put your skills to the test as you climb the ranks. You may battle against dungeon bosses or opponents around the globe to receive a reward for every match you win. Challenge the best, refine your craft, and it’s easy to pick up for new players.


Collect rewards in the form of weapons, armor, and other in-game prizes, by completing dungeons and competing in PvP matches! Play competitively and fight your way to the top of the leaderboards. The higher skills you achieve, the more rewards you receive. In-game rewards for winning a match against a dungeon boss or a live opponent are in the form of NFT’s that gain value with time. Right now PvP is free! But soon, we will reintroduce bids, so when you compete against someone, the winner takes all.


Soon, players will have the ability to acquire materials through micro-transactions and quests to customize and improve their acquired weapons, armor, and skills. The game features several modes of play, including arena battles and single-player dungeons, with quests coming soon.


Crafting will soon be introduced to the battlefield! Collect materials, combine components, dismantle items, and acquire recipes, blueprints, and scrolls to create usable weapons never seen before. Until then, collect as many FREE items as possible. Then, play more and collect more — so you can dismantle acquired items for their materials and special abilities to create ultimate items with unlimited possibilities

