CryptoFights Developer Update #2

Allie Perez
Published in
4 min readJun 9, 2022
CryptoFights Developer Update

Welcome back to our developer update series, where we will take a closer look at our new test environment!

Before we get into it, our community forums see most updates like this before everyone else! If you’re interested in early release news, we recommend joining our Discord or Telegram.

Why a New Rendering System?

Adding complex visual graphics to a game creates a large apk file size & impacts game stability. Our programming extraordinaire, Ruhan, is working on a solution to increase game performance while increasing gameplay and visual quality!

That solution is a rendering system.

If you missed it, check out these rendering systems we presented last week, with never-before-seen details from the CryptoFights world. Read last week’s article in full for a detailed breakdown.

Do more. Be Better.

These changes are great! Right?

Well, Ruhan is never satisfied. Improving the game is not an excuse to stop.
It’s his reason to take it to the next level. He returned to the test environments and made them even better.

Enlarge this image to see the beautiful detail of the rocks and their shadows, the sunlight peeking through the forest, the lush green foliage, and the mysterious illuminated details.

This is the kind of environment we wish we could experience in real life.

And that’s not all.

To really get a feel for the scale of this environment, Ruhan made it more familiar for those who spend all their time in the battleground.

These are tests and concepts only within our development environment. All details are subject to change and not guaranteed for public release.

So, what exactly has changed?

Here are some details Ruhan added — can you identify them?
💠 Bloom effect
💠 Bird flock simulation
💠 Trickling water (without reflections, but he may add later)
💠 Cinema quality plants and trees with high-end wind simulation
💠 Particles (at least a few thousand, but it can even go up to millions!)
💠 Lights (He lost count!)

He can also add cinematic depth of field, but that feature would make the background blurry. He can throw anything he wants at this system without the negative impact of cost. Wait, cost?

Yes, adding complex visual graphics impacts more than apk file size and game stability. It also impacts the cost of recording this data on servers.

Remember, the purpose of this test environment is to stress the rendering system. That means the programming and technology that support the visuals he has added. His goal is to increase game performance and visual quality while reducing apk file size, data usage, and cost.

“The possibilities are endless,” said Ruhan, “and I showcased this with a forest since I love plants. But there can literally be anything back there. We could throw the new Unreal Engine demo in it too!”

Alright, Ruhan, let’s not get too crazy magic man! While Unreal Engine is not the next step for CryptoFights — this test truly shows that CryptoFights is scarcely hitting the tip of the iceberg when it comes to our game experience.

It takes a particular passion to continue to push the limit. And that is Ruhan’s specialty.

View the rendering environment in action:

A review from last week, for those who have not seen Crypto Fights Developer Update #1

We’ve received a common request since the CryptoFights Open Beta launch about introducing new arenas, environments, races, and skills. Many of these requests will come to light with the release of CryptoFights 2.0 — so continue to share your ideas by joining our Discord & partaking in our community chats.

Other requests from the community center around advancing the quality of in-game experience over creating new experiences. We hear you. Our animations in-game will constantly evolve to give players enhanced visuals and efficient performance. From this test, you will see we are experimenting with various colors and effects to make the game feel more lively while helping players better interact with the CryptoFights world.

These are just a few of the many new animations in the works. Once again, please remember this is a work-in-progress, and things are subject to change.

Don’t miss out on early updates by joining our Discord or Telegram!

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