Life as an Intern at G-able

Jonas Ngoh
Published in
3 min readJul 11, 2023

Hello everyone!

Although I’ve done some writing at Quora and Rarefyi, this is my first medium article — and I’m excited to share about my internship experience at G-able.

For context, I’m from Singapore, currently on an overseas internship in Thailand under the Global Innovation Immersion (GII) Program.

On a daily basis, I interact closely with people from the Corporate Finance (CF), Corporate Strategy (CS), and Business Development (BD) departments.

I’m currently halfway into this 3-month long internship under my university and I’ve already gathered numerous priceless life stories into my collection.

Wondering what it’s like working in G-able or simply on the lookout for internship stories? Here’s a glimpse into the life of an intern working for G-able!

G-able Values

G-able values splayed out on the wall
Image: G-able Values

I must admit, I’m usually not one to read into companies’ values when I see them. However, “Ownership” stuck out to me, and I feel that it succinctly represents the working culture of G-able.

G-able provides flexibility for its staff, giving us the freedom to explore projects and select relevant assignments. They value inputs and aren’t quick to shut down suggestions.

This brings me to G-able’s value of “Ownership”- my interpretation of it is that we must treat projects as our precious inventions and be accountable for them. Because G-able gives us much freedom and trust, it’s only right that we repay them with results.

The People

The people working at G-able are generally kind and helpful. I’d like to take a moment to share about my awesome colleagues.

Our colleagues take good care of us — taking us to places and showering us with delicious food. They’ll always explain to us Singaporean interns about Thai culture (or translate Thai menus for us 😂).

During work, they’re ready to help and answer any questions we may have. Moreover, they provide feedback including constructive criticism which I value.

Badminton court with colleagues
Image: Badminton with colleagues after work

After work is when the bond grows stronger. Our team loves badminton, and we’ll book a local court near our workplace to relieve stress.

It feels oddly energising to hang out with colleagues after a long day at work. From fun times at rooftop bars to sumptuous food at restaurants or roadside stalls, the experiences I had with the people at G-able are phenomenal.

Eating delicious food on the table with G-able colleagues
Image: Food with the G-able fam

This overseas internship experience wouldn’t be fulfilling without these amazing people. Big thanks to the CF/CS/BD team and my fellow interns from Singapore!

Conclusion — The G-able Internship Experience

It was 100% a fulfilling summer working for G-able. I thoroughly enjoyed the limited three months I had in Thailand.

If anyone asks me if they should work for G-able, I’d say go for it. In terms of the working culture and the people there, I feel that most will relish their time with the company.

Through this overseas internship program, I have learnt many interpersonal as well as intrapersonal skills. I’m optimistic that my contributions have positively impacted G-able.

I’ll end this article here and continue preparations for my final project presentation to the CEO of G-able. Looking forward to this rare opportunity!

Hope you found this interesting!



Jonas Ngoh
Writer for

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