Five Things you think you know about G-Cloud, But You’re Wrong!

Mark Craddock
G-Cloud Latest
Published in
2 min readMay 26, 2016


1. Service Definition Assurance

All services on G-Cloud are checked to make sure they are cloud services and are assured by the Cabinet Office. WRONG!

Assurance Verification Process

The process for getting yourself into the Digital Marketplace is as follows;

  • Suppliers submit the services they want to supply through the G-Cloud framework.
  • The government creates a framework agreement with the eligible suppliers.
  • The government conducts assurance checks.
  • Suppliers can then offer their services to public sector buyers on the Digital Marketplace.

Reading the responses to the Clarification Questions from the tender, it is important to note that Assurance Verification takes place after award.

Services are tested against the specifications for Lots to ensure they are in scope and also that the documents are clear and transparent as per the terms of the framework.

The assurance process is an ongoing process through the life of the framework. If the service is in scope it will remain on the framework however if it is out of scope it will be removed.

Assurance will be carried out post award and you may be contacted if required.

You MUST submit a pricing document, terms and conditions, service definition, and a SFIA rate document if your services are based on day rates.

2. Security Assurance

All services on G-Cloud have been accredited by the Cabinet Office. WRONG!

The Process

  • Suppliers assert how they meet the Cloud Security Principles by selecting a predefined answer for a range of questions that meet the Cloud Security Principles.
  • Suppliers will then be required to provide evidence and documentation to support their assertion.
  • These self-assertion statements will form part of the Suppliers service entry on the Digital Marketplace.
  • Buyers will be able to assess and compare services with a view as to what meets their specific requirements.
  • Suppliers will be able to continuously update the assertion statements, ensuring that Buyers have the latest information.

3. It’s Really Difficult to get on the Framework

It’s really difficult and complicated and I need help from a consultant. WRONG!

From G-Cloud 7, the process has been simplified and it’s very easy to complete the online forms and submit your services.

See the assurance process above, there is minimal checking of services within G-Cloud.

4. I’m In. I can market that I am an Approved or Accredited Supplier


See the G-Cloud suppliers marketing toolkit from Crown Commercial Services.

It’s important to note that suppliers should not use the following words to describe your position:

  • Approved supplier
  • Accredited supplier
  • Chosen supplier
  • Endorsed supplier
  • Selected supplier

Once awarded on the framework all suppliers are considered to be equal

5. I’m in, the work to start rolling in


You’re now in the Digital Marketplace, but buyers will search for services based on their requirements, you need to ensure your service definitions describe the service accurately and include the types of keywords buyers will use to search for the service.

Buyers will also use the filters to remove suppliers from their short-list, one of the biggest errors is not detailing the data extraction and removal requirements.



Mark Craddock
G-Cloud Latest

Techie. Built VH1, G-Cloud, Unified Patent Court, UN Global Platform. Saved UK Economy £12Bn. Now building AI stuff #datascout #promptengineer #MLOps #DataOps