Published in
4 min readSep 1, 2018


When Words are few

Allow music to:

  • Connect
  • Create.
  • Collaborate

With other Creativists.


Noun — (1) To be a creative activist. (2) To challenge conventionality using art and expressionismas your tools. (3) To creatively enactchange.

Someone who is attuned creatively to their surroundings; a person who understands and expresses their lifethrough creativeworksor motifs.


When I don’t feel able to talk to anyone my thoughts are scattered and strewn about;

I’ve always woken from a sleepwalking slumber with the help of writing and Music. Music allows me to put displaced emotions into a feeling of organized chaos. It can help with placing my emotions and -words may result that means I break the negative cycle I’m in; and I can re engage with people (even if on a small level) and feel passionate about life and my goals again.

I believe that we are all creativists — We don’t need to sing well,play an instrument or be a DJ ,professional dancer to express our emotions through music. Personally I enjoy combining my passion of writing about and listening to music to get what I need from music.

We don’t need to have a degree in Music and Arts to feel or write about it. Although thats cool too.

Google, a couple of books, communicating with people who are into music,and your soul-should be enough to make whatever it is that you get out/want out of the music industry- happen. Oh, and passion and focus helps too ;)

Self expression is creative.

When we find a medium to feel ,it can help us feel that we’ve been heard-we are being creative.

I’m more than passionate about Mental health and anti stigma.I know the Music industry is in need of more help to help artists channel their energy productively,but like any industry as big as the music industry-there is a lot of pressure and stress attached to achieving our goals.

On the flip side of the coin , there are the obvious benefits being creative in any medium can have on improving mental health.

One massive stumbling block to ahem..blocking creativity is not connecting with people who allow us to create something with another person. It could start out as a simple conversation, comment,idea,compliment,dream, or career.

This decision to connect with a person/group creates.

We are all creativists.Technology and social media help to communicate. So ,even a person who doesn’t or who can’t get out and “connect” often- can still be super dope in their creative outlets.

Self- Doubt and listening too much to other people’s negative opinion can wreak havoc on your confidence and ability to express yourself. This is intensified for people who are suffering with their mental health issues.

Of course ,feedback is a good thing. Pick your mentors wisely, if (like me )you want to write about music or work in the Music industry.

Find someone who doesn’t rip you to shreds. Constructive criticism and being a blunt asshole can seem like the same thing coming from an “expert” but it’s not.

Constructive criticism is taking into account the overall work and presentation and breaking that feedback into sections. It should be honest and tactful. There is no one way to write a review, or compose a piece of music, or run a music label.

When you connect you have an opportunity to create something with another individual who has a whole different system of thoughts, beliefs ,ideas and experiences to contribute.

You don’t know what the result is going to be and that can be the best part of the creative process: The not knowing. We often surprise ourselves with what we can do when we just-DO IT!

The collaboration process doesn’t have to be a huge gig,

Or it can be.

It can be anything.

I’ve uploaded on social media spoken word/music oddities that I’ve made on garage band!

My favorite recorded spoke word project is one I did with a mate. It was fun.

I’m not too precious about what people think. Creativists should take risks and often end up surprising themselves.

Don’t let other peoples talents or your own self doubt, or a lack of knowledge of music theory for example, stop you from expressing yourself. If you want to learn to play an instrument well.… Then you have to put in the effort. Technology makes it so much easier to connect and learn.

I’ve also started writing song reviews on my blog. Not everyone gets it or likes it but its something I’m passionate about doing. Blogs should evolve if we are to change,surely? They need work and I need to I’m prove. We all have to start somewhere.

NWA all the way.





Creativity is something we all have.I believe in self expression &equality for humans and earthlings. Look for the silver lining. Music, poetry & musings