All in Good Time

Navigating the changing seasons of life

Jason Vincent
G.O.D. — Good, Open, Divine


Created by the author with Midjourney

Life’s a trip. Both figuratively and literally.

As we get older, at least in my case, we begin to value our peace more than anything else. We have achieved (ideally) a measure of financial success that puts our basic human needs on autopilot and lets us assess the quality of our lives and spend more time pursuing our passions.

I was recently standing on a beach at the Black Sea coast and contemplating some of the things that have been causing me to lose sleep. Suddenly it hit me like a ton of bricks and I saw the situation with detached clarity:

I am almost 50 years old. I have maybe 25 more good years in me. I’ll be damned if I’m going to spend them putting up with this nonsense anymore. As Detective Sergeant Murtaugh famously said, “I’m too old for this shit”. And it’s not as though people I trusted hadn’t been telling me that for at least a year. I simply wasn’t in a position to realize it myself until that moment. It’s funny how we can blind ourselves to things which are so obvious to others.

As I’ve gotten older, I find myself less willing to tolerate things that I simply don’t want to put up with. Whether it’s gaslighting, disrespect, or Bob reheating his fish in the office microwave. I find it much easier to speak up and tell people how I…



Jason Vincent
G.O.D. — Good, Open, Divine

Writer, world-traveler, and GWOT-era veteran. Crafting tales, meeting people who matter, enjoying good food and better drinks.