Recommendations | I ❤ January 2018

Treasure Hunter
Treasure Hunter
Published in
2 min readFeb 10, 2018

I love sharing good stuff with friends. Whenever I come across a good article, movie, clip, anything that tickles my curiosity — it must be shared :)

Here is my Recommendations of Discoveries that I came across in January:

I ❤ January 2018

  1. MOVIE: A little Princess
  2. SHORT FILM: Tashi and the monk here (40 mins)
  3. THEATRE: Let the right one in | Dublin
  4. SPIRITUAL GROWTH: The Law of Attraction, Power of Believing that you can improve,
  5. CREATIVE PROJECT: 52 Docs, Fake Restaurants Makes it to Nr 1, Dance by Cornel and Rithika
  6. FUTURE: Hologramic Future Hatsune Miku here
  7. PHOTOGRAPHY: Romanian Romance
  8. BOOK: The Power of Now

“What has reached you was never meant to miss you, and what has missed you was never meant to reach you.” — Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

People who are truly strong lift others up. People who are truly powerful bring others together #courage

I understand injustice.
We’re both exiles.
Both victims and I understand your anger.
But on its current path, the world will fill with anger and soon will be destroyed.
So here, away from the madness, we must build a new way.
A new school.
A new philosophy.
A new ethos.
The world needs saviors.
A generation of remarkable young men who have put fury behind them, who embrace their pain and their struggle.
All men must step into the unknown.
There, only there, in the annihilation of hate and anger, and ego, is our salvation. — The Crown


Happy Exploring

