Recommendations | I ❤ March 2018

Treasure Hunter
Treasure Hunter
Published in
5 min readApr 11, 2018

March was a long month. Lots happened in the past five weeks. This month was filled with abundance. I explored, discovered, and solved some puzzles. So here are the cool things from March that I’d like to share with you:

I ❤ March 2018


Dangal (2017) India. Drama.

This movie really touched me because it felt so close to home. It reminded me of my father and my relationship with my sister. The journey that both sisters go through and also such strong fathers love, passion and commitment was something that I had in my family as well. Dangal showed me just how lucky I am to have a father that I do. He is a person who makes me most grounded, feel most loved, I feel most protected in his arms and his is the one that is challenging me to be and try better.

Lunchbox (2013)

This poetic movie helped me to escape my daily wonders and took me to a place of poetry. Lunchbox was beautiful in so many simple things. I loved how the cooking and presentation of food was created. This made me appreciate the culture that the movie was set so much more. There was elegance, stillness, grace, light and dept to it.

The Square (2018) Swedish.

If I had to describe the movie in one word, it would be — powerful. It was powerful in so many ways — it had intensity, it had humour, mystery and a dose of ridiculousness. It was a movie that sticked in my mind for a couple weeks after as I recalled the parts of it in my mind. One emotion that I felt was incredible intense was feeling uncomfortable. There were couple scenes in the movie where I was observing myself getting uncomfortable in the seat because of what I was seeing. The Director and Actors did such a great job to create such intense experience.

Molly’s Game (2017)

Jessica is incredible talented actress. I enjoy her work immensely. There is also Idris Elba who has grown as a performing artist in the past decade. This movie is based on a true story which made it even more intriguing and engaging. The story has sparked a curiosity in me and made me ask — are we all just a product of our consequences or are we true creators of our lives?

Raees (2017) India. Drama

Tomb Raider (2017)


Humanity. Growth.

  1. Self Respect — by Joan Didion
  2. Book of the Month: The Motivation Manifesto.
  • Derive fulfilment from the process rather than objectives. Yaz
  • Taking responsibility and paving a way for those who are watching us. To those who are following our steps. We make their lives easier and able to show more adventurous roads — GK
  • Many say that grass is greener on the other side. I say be glad that you have your own grass. Water it. Trim it down. Dance on it. — GK
  • “I do believe in love; it’s wonderful — especially love (the) third time around, it’s even more precious; it’s kind of amazing.”- Robin Williams
  • “Character — the willingness to accept responsibility for one’s own life — is the source from which self-respect springs.” Joan Didion
  • Souls recognize each other by the way they feel not the way they look
  • “Remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Be curious.“ — Stephen Hawking
  • The only way to know your purpose in life is to pay attention to what the universe is revealing in front of you.
  • All religions, arts and sciences are branches of the same tree. All these aspirations are directed toward ennobling man’s life, lifting it from the sphere of mere physical existence and leading the individual towards freedom.

Sunday Sermon

In the end
you won’t be known
for the things you did,
or what you built,
or what you said.

You won’t even be known
for the love given
or the hearts saved,
because in the end you won’t be known.

You won’t be asked, by a vast creator full of light:
What did you do to be known?

You will be asked: Did you know it,
this place, this journey?

What there is to know can’t be written.
Something between the crispness of air
and the glint in her eye
and the texture of the orange peel.

What you’ll want a thousand years from now is this:
a memory that beats like a heart–
a travel memory, of what it was to walk here,
alive and warm and textured within.

Sweet brightness, aliveness, take-me-now-ness that is life.

You are here to pay attention. That is enough.

- unknown


