Treasure Hunter | April 2021

Treasure Hunter
Treasure Hunter
Published in
2 min readApr 28, 2021

Hello you,
We are in Q2 of 2021, already? :)
I guess my first question to you my dear reader is, what did you learn in April? What sparked your imagination? Did you have a moment that took your breath away?

Personally, more and more I’m feeling grateful for an opportunity to live in the present time. When I focus on the past, I feel overwhelmed, when I think about the future I feel anxious, when I focus on the present — I feel ok.

This month I learned to take time to breathe when unexpected waves crash. Breathing, meditating, stopping, writing, observing — all these techniques help me to digest and process the world that is around me. What helps you? I would love to know your take on the life that is surrounding you.

Here are a few thoughts and inspirations from April:

1. Be you

Dove created a beautiful reminder and shared an important message around great message on “ “The pressure of social media is hurting our girls’ self-esteem” #beyou #reverseselfie #mentalhealth

2. Series: The Bold Type

I enjoyed greatly watching three friends going through a multitude of problems facing them. They are bold types because they don’t shy away from feeling and experiencing what they are going through. The topics were rough and hard and important ones. Most importantly they were not afraid to talk about them. For this, I celebrate The Bold Type. I also think that every young lady should have a support and understanding boss like Jaqueline :)

3. Documentary: Operation Varsity Blues

Documentary around mastermind behind Operation Varsity Blues.

and more importantly, an important conversation that it brought to The Red Table about white privilege:

4. Joy of Connection

5. Immersive Exhibition: Can you hear me ok?

Till May…

