Garrett Sims
G-Trade News
Published in
1 min readAug 6, 2020


Apple’s reported market value is moving closer to $2 trillion amidst the world’s economic winter.

“Apple shares jumped more than 10% on Friday after the company reported earnings, reaching an all-time high. The stock rose another 2.5% on Monday to $435.75, giving Apple a valuation of $1.86 trillion.” (CNN Business)

Apple dethroned previous world leader, Saudi Aramco, which is worth roughly 1.76 trillion. Now AAPL stock has surpassed the Saudi oil giant, with its price at $435.75 a share. Apple’s current market evaluation sits at roughly $1.84 trillion, with $2 trillion just on the horizon.

“The company has recovered from its pandemic low-point in March. Shares are up more than 44 per cent this year, said CNBC.” (

Contrary to what some may think, apprantly the shutting down of retail hasn’t toppled the tech giant’s stocks:

“Apple saw widespread retail closures during the quarter, especially in the United States, but cited work-from-home trends and strong online sales as delivering a boost to overall operations.” (

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