Bitcoin Back in the Game | VEDONI

Garrett Sims
G-Trade News
Published in
2 min readNov 8, 2020

Investors and traders rejoice! After a long stent of constant rejection approaching the 12k barrier a few months back, Bitcoin is finally, (it seems) on its way to 20k. If you’ve been putting your eggs in the BTC basket, it’s finally starting to pay off.

Proponents have been talking about the cryptocoin going north for some time now. The only question was “when?” Now that Bitcoin has broken passed 12k, getting to 20k might take the same graduated, obstacle field of resistence as it took to get past 12k.

Case in point, as investors and traders saw yesterday (November 7), BTC took a quick dip from 15.5k down below 14.3k. But today, it seems as thoug Bitcoin is back to where it sat prior to the sudden drop.

Trading the cryptocoin is an unpredictable endeavor, and it’s best to go into it for long term gains, instead short term scalping, as BTC is notoriously unstable. But confidence stands in the fact that, over the long term, BTC is going to sky rocket.

“Something unexpected would have to happen for Bitcoin to stop growing,” wrote intelligence analyst, Mike McGlone. (

As the financial market has revealed during the world-wide lock down, the fiat financial market has inherent flaws, which were only brought to light more as people were isolated indoors, with no other remedy than digital transactions to acquire what they needed. People have come to realize that digital is the way of the future, and what’s leading the digital revolution is without a doubt Bitcoin and the rest of its crypto gang.

Now all we have to do is get Bitcoin to 20k.

