Bitcoin is climbing back up the slope!

Garrett Sims
G-Trade News
Published in
2 min readAug 5, 2020

At the time of this writing, BTC is at $11,671.40 as it gingerly makes it way back up to test the 12k level once more.

Proponents on the crypto-coin report that the chart pattern exhibited by Bitcoin (and chainlink, as well) is similar to that of the 2016 bull run:

“Both Bitcoin and Chainlink are repeating a fractal that Bitcoin saw as it came out the last bear market at the end of 2015 going into 2016 and 2017… Chainlink seems to be repeating a fractal IDENTICAL to what we saw last year around this time.” (Tyler S)

I can’t stress enough how much crypto currencies are going to be a major part of the emerging economy, so there is vested interest in the success of these coins, with Bitcoin in the forefront:

“In the ‘Imagine 2030’ report, Deutsche Bank suggests that digital currency could eventually replace cash one day, as demand for anonymity and a more decentralized means of payment grows.” (

Digital currency replacing cash “one day” is in the process of culminating now, throughout 2020 going into 2021. So, there are no if and or buts about it: cryptocurrency is going bull, it’s just a waiting game for when it actually breaks through, and fulfills its destiny. Bitcoin is already showing signs of its bull run. As I mentioned before, it’s in the process of returning to test the 12k level that it got swatted down from a few days ago.

Now is definitely the time to start getting in on Bitcoin if you haven’t already, because the ship is about to take off. Learn about it, research it.

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