Blockchain to The Rescue: South Africa to Implement Blockchain in Their Education System | G-Trade News

Garrett Sims
G-Trade News
Published in
3 min readMay 2, 2021

Reports out of Ethiopia tell of the legendary technology behind bitcoin to soon be implemented in souping up the education system in South Africa.

We believe blockchain offers a key opportunity to end digital exclusion and widen access to higher education and employment.” says Ethiopia’s Minister of Education Getahun Mekuria.

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But it’s not just any blockchain protocol. The good folks at IOHK, the force behind the rapidly up-and-coming token Cardano, have entered into a partnership with the Ethiopian government to help provide the population with access to all the cryptographic goodness that blockchain has to offer.

“It’s very practical to think of the blockchain technology [as a way] to improve the quality of education,” said Minister Mekuria to IOHK director of African relations, John O’Connor in a video interview streamed Thursday, April 29th.

According to the plan, the approximately 5 million Ethiopian students will ultimately receive “a Cardano blockchain-based ID that will allow the ministry to track their academic performance”, said minister Mekuria, “and 750,000 teachers will get access to the system.”

Blockchain in education

Not only that, “the Ethiopian government struck a deal with a Chinese manufacturer of tablet computers, which will be distributed to the students.

The news just keeps getting better and better for Africa, with all its problems which include crippling poverty, and famine. It has been a perfect implementation ground for bitcoin and blockchain, where Nigeria has now become one of the largest P2P bitcoin markets in the world, according to data released by Useful Tulips.

This is without a doubt great news, not just for the crypto world, but also for Africa, because if there was ever a place that needed freedom from overpoweringly prohibitive access to money, it’s the motherland — Africa.

And this is precisely the beauty of crypto technology. Being that blockchain is not owned by any central power, it can be made accessible to everyone, anywhere in the world. People who would otherwise be lost and overlooked by the system, can take their money into their own hands, and actually make something of themselves and their lives. Bitcoin is ushering in a new wave of thousandaires and millionaires based on this very concept, and it’s extending to the poverty stricken world as well.

This is one of the things that G-Trade is being established to do here where we’re located in Central America. People need an alternative, and that’s exactly what cryptocurrencies provide, and that’s what G-Trade is helping to provide. All the more reason why bitcoin’s price is where it is at the moment.

How much value would you place on technology that essentially frees the world? All the more reason why bitcoin is on its way to 100x!

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