Garrett Sims
G-Trade News
Published in
2 min readAug 7, 2020


My first gaming console was a Nintendo, and my first game: Mario and Duck hunt, as they came together. Nintendo led the industry back then, and apparently they’re still doing it to this day.

The video game giant just announced a whopping 428% in operating profit, where net sales soared 108% between April and June.

“Nintendo is the rare company that has seen its business take a sharp turn for the better since the coronavirus pandemic began, as the company on Thursday reported an incredible 428% increase in profits for the first fiscal quarter of 2020.” (NY Daily News)

All eyes on the tech giants, as not only Nintendo is cleaning up during the pandemic, but as I reported yesterday, Apple is officially the most valuable public company in the world.

“As of close of business Friday, Apple has a market valuation of $1.84 trillion, while Saudi Aramco’s is $1.76 trillion, according to CNBC.” (The Verge)

It’s no wonder as to why this is the case, as everybody is stuck at home, with nothing to do during idle moments. Netflix saw a surge in subscribers during the pandemic, as people binge on the latest series, and entertainment seekers also indulge in video games as well.

Entertainment has always been a strong component of people’s lives, so I don’t see tech giants like Nintendo going anywhere soon. In fact, as they’ve shown with their record breaking earnings amidst economic stand still, they are crucial in the everyday lives of the world population.

What else is the average pandemic-forced homebody to do with themselves than to vedge out in front of the TV, fiddle the buttons on a controller?

Here’s Rule of 2 Review on Youtube talking about Nintendo cleaning up:

