Can Women be Good in Combat Positions?

G05_Writing 2
Published in
2 min readNov 25, 2020

Many countries have recently allowed women to enlist in combat positions in the military. One of the first countries to do so, inspired many other nations to revise their military policies. How did they do so? Well in Israel, women not only serve in the combat units but also lead them. When you look into this more, there are actually some advantages to having female combat soldiers in the armed forces. First, there will be more people to protect our country since Taiwan has a turbulent relationship with China. With more people joining the army, our nation will be better protected. Some may say that women are not as strong as men and if they got pregnant, then it would be dangerous to send them on combat assignments. However, these days the military does select women who can meet the same training standards set for men, and if they do get pregnant, then they are temporarily shifted to intelligence positions. Therefore, the performance of female soldiers in comparison to male soldiers in the military should not be questioned. In addition, according to a study from MIT,” group intelligence of an organization rises when women are on teams,” as women have a stronger ability to observe others’ emotions and relieve tension, consequently boosting a soldier’s morale and enhances the combat power of the armed forces. Finally, there are some situations that are better suitable for female soldiers. For example, rescuing women who have been injured in the fray is better done by female soldiers than male ones. Based on the above-mentioned reasons, without a doubt, women have a lot to contribute in ways men cannot in the military, and it is reasonable to give them the opportunity to serve in combat positions.

By Jenny, Anne, and Vincent

