Well-dressed with a Dime

Ricky Chao
G05_Writing 2
Published in
Nov 17, 2020

Dressing stylishly and fashionably does not require putting yourself out of pocket, and can be easily achieved with just a few simple steps. A great way to begin is to find a style that suits you the most. There are many different fashion styles out there, some of which will elevate your beauty to the next level. Once you have chosen a style which you are most comfortable with, browse the internet or go through some magazines to find the perfect combination for your outfit and your accessories. Magazines and websites like GQ can help you select the trendiest look. Next, visit a shopping mall and start looking for affordable clothing tailored in styles selected by you. Places like H&M always sell chic outfits at an affordable price. However, it wouldn’t hurt to compare prices with other retail stores as you are looking for a greater bargain. When you finally decide on what outfits to purchase, the last step is to make a payment. While doing so, always ask the clerks if there are any special deals so you have one last opportunity to save before you swipe your credit card. Now you have got a set of brand new fashionable clothes without burning through your wallet.

