Daan Forest Park

Yu Penny
G06_Writing I
1 min readAug 19, 2020


Daan Forest Park is a large and famous park in Taipei where people like to gather with friends, exercise and enjoy nature in the very heart of a busy city. I like to go there whenever I have some spare time. Last weekend, the weather was awesome, and so I decided to go to the park. When I reached there, I saw many people involved in different activities. For example, one group was having a picnic, and chatting and laughing on their blanket. I also saw other groups engaged in activities such as jumping rope, playing football and tossing a frisbee. Many others were lying down on the soft grass and simply enjoying the peaceful feeling that one always experiences at Daan Forest Park. If you are looking for an atmosphere to immerse yourself, then I would really recommend you to go to Daan Forest Park during your free time.

by Eric,Jimmy,Penny

