Data-Driven Product Manager

G06_Writing I
Published in
1 min readSep 9, 2020

Data-driven product management is one of the most popular career choices in today’s job market. So, what does a data-driven product manager do? The primary focus of this position is for product managers to make wise decisions using a lot of data models. Furthermore, they are expected to work together with their company’s sales department and data analysts to design or decide on a product that will become a popular trend. If you choose to pursue a career in this field, you should get a better understanding of your end user and the common data pitfalls. In other words, to fully comprehend your user’s interests, you need to use quantitative data to analyze the market trend. Also, you get the chance to apply all the knowledge gained, especially statistics and negotiation, in your business management courses. Overall, if you are seeking a job that is challenging and innovative, then this is a great career choice for you to pursue.

-Andy, Penny, Peter

