Taiwan and North Korea

G06_Writing I
Published in
1 min readJul 27, 2020

Taiwan and North Korea have a similar population, but these two north-east countries vastly differ in their culture, government and marriage values. Their food culture, in particular, is highly influenced by their geographical and political differences. Taiwan, located in the subtropics, has more plentiful natural resources than North Korea which is located in the temperate zone and restricted by economic sanctions. Both countries have a similar dish called ‘kimchi’. However, the taste of ‘kimchi’ in Taiwan is sweet and sour, and usually served as a side dish; in North Korea ‘kimchi’ is served as a main dish and is pretty spicy. Second, the government in these two countries are distinctively different. Taiwanese people usually determine their political policies through referendums, but people in North Korea have to follow their leaders’ policies. Finally, the marriage values differ too. Many Taiwanese choose their own spouse, but North Koreans usually have arranged marriages. Although both countries are influenced by Chinese culture and traditions , they have developed in very different ways.

by Andy, Eric, Senna

