Taiwan & Thailand

G06_Writing I
Published in
1 min readJul 28, 2020

Are you still confused between Taiwan and Thailand? Actually, there are many differences between these two countries, like in their religions, land area, and cultures. First of all, there are some differences in the religions practised in Taiwan and Thailand. In Taiwan, Taoism is one the most followed, accounting for almost 30%. In contrast, Buddhism is the largest religion followed in Thailand, where nearly 95% of the population practise it. Second, if we search for information on Wikipedia, we will find that Thailand is the 50th-largest country in its land area. Thailand’s total land area is 14 times bigger than that of Taiwan, which is 32,000 sq.km. Finally, these two cultures celebrate New Year in very different ways traditionally. For instance, Thailand has the Songkran Festival. On this day, citizens pour water on each other, so as to bring happiness and luck to one another. On the other hand, the Taiwanese share their happiness and love by exchanging money in red envelopes with their family members. In conclusion, there are a lot of similarities, but many a distinct difference exist between the two countries.

by Eddie, Jonas, Stella

