Technology after Twenty Year

G06_Writing I
Published in
1 min readSep 20, 2020

What kind of technological changes do you expect to se twenty years from now? Man can expect to see many ground-breaking applications in the technology used in our daily life in twenty years. For instance, first, students will gain knowledge in different fields via the internet. They won’t need to go to school, and just stay at home and learn through distance education. The other big change in our lives will be how we use transportation. For example, cars will be charged with other power sources and not fuel. Another big change will occur in the form of virtual reality. In the future, people will apply virtual reality in medical care. In this way, the crises of operation will be substantially decreased. Consequently, due to the fast-paced nature of technology, people will have more opportunities to improve the quality of their daily lives, and we will keep looking forward to the development of technology after twenty years.

By Eddie, Nancy, Erwin

