Taiwan & Japan : Similar but Unique

Elaine (ITI 109C)
Published in
1 min readAug 10, 2020


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Despite Japan and Taiwan being neighbors, we can still distinguish certain strong differences between the two countries. First of all, Japan is located in the temperate zone which makes it experience colder winters; therefore, the Japanese people wear thicker winter clothing. However, Taiwan is situated in the tropical zone; thus, making it experience warmer weather throughout the year. So, if you are planning to visit Taiwan in winter, you can get away with packing lighter winter clothing. Other than that, the two countries also differ in terms of their government structures. Though the Japanese consider the Emperor as the head of state, all political decisions are made by the elected Prime Minister, whereas Taiwan is a unitary semi-presidential republic. Lastly, the two countries also have different cultural customs, specifically, with regard to gift-giving. In Japan, one avoids giving fragile gifts, as it would imply that a relationship might fragment. While in Taiwan, it is more important to avoid specific items, such as clocks which symbolize death. So if you plan on visiting these two neighbouring countries, remember that they are similar in some ways but uniquely different in others.

