#g0vSummit 2018 on Twitter

Yun Chen
Published in
2 min readOct 16, 2018
All speakers in g0v Summit 2018. Photo Credit: g0v Summit 2018 Photographer Team

This is a quick throwback of g0v Summit 2018 on Oct. 5–7, a grass-root conference that focus on civic tech, open source collaboration and civic participation with 800 participants from 23 countries.

g0v (pronounced “gov zero”) is a decentralized, grass-roots civic tech community based in Taiwan. We advocate information transparency and build tech solutions to promote civic engagement.

Built on the spirits of open source and activism, g0v aims to use technology in the interest of the public good. Our missions are to allow citizens easy access to public information and to empower them to make a change. Substituting the “o” with “0″ in gov, we want to use the power of digital technologies to reform current politics so as to envision a new future of democracy.

You are the Nobody

The best moments in g0v Summit are decentralized community interactions. Every participant can initiate anything!

You can propose and vote on the Unconference on Sunday.

You can play open data card game in the venue.

You can ask and vote on questions online. Questions are more important than speeches.

When you ask, “Why nobody is doing [something]…”

That is the spirit of g0v “nobody” culture.

Serious and inspiring discussion

On building more open and inclusive online communities…

On how to use data to create real impacts…

Some theory frameworks to analyze civic tech and the work you are doing right now…

From Taiwanese government…

From g0v.tw community…


Lightning Talk on Fire

The lightning talk is open to every participant to register the 10 slots. First come first serve. It is the most exciting and laughing part of g0v Summit. Everyone only has 5 min on stage, no matter what happens. Yes, there was one team suffering from projector technical problems for more than 3 min, but the clock was still going.

Kudos to Volunteer Team

g0v Summit 2018 is organized by a team of volunteers from the community.

To conclude, Ipa, the Coordinator of g0v Summit 2018, stated…

See you in next g0v Summit!

You can also read others’ reflection and add your blogpost here: https://g0v.hackmd.io/mbMA_f1XS9-MZlqgMlbQIQ#



Yun Chen
Editor for

Nobody in g0v.tw, PM of disfactory.tw. Caring #civictech #opengov #socialdesign. Now researching on Internet and open democracy.