Complaint Reply

G10_Business Correspondence
1 min readSep 29, 2020

To: Lucia López

Subject: Internet Connection

Dear Ms.López,

Thank you for letting us know about this situation regarding our mobile internet service. We are always grateful for opportunities to improve our service.

Aurora Telecoms always takes great pride in providing a strong coverage throughout the city. However, we’ve figured out that the signal in your location is weaker than that in other areas. To solve this, we have arranged our technician to visit your office and install cell phone signal boosters at no extra cost. Could you please confirm an available time tomorrow so we can get the issue resolved at the earliest.

Thank you again for bringing this matter to our attention. Aurora Telecoms believes in fulfilling our customers’ needs with the best internet service.


Chiang Tung

Corporate Sales Manager

Aurora Telecoms

By Sage, Grace, Chiang

