Complaint — Skype Interview

Ivy Kao
G10_Business Correspondence
1 min readSep 23, 2020

To: Emine Celik

Subject: Interview _Sales Engineer

Dear Ms. Celik,

I am writing about the recent Skype interview for the Sales Engineer position conducted on September 16, 2020.

Thank you for the opportunity provided to interview with Cynosure Digital; however, I would like to mention three issues that were faced by me and have been listed below:

  1. I was called out at midnight due to an incorrect calculation in the time difference.
  2. The interviewer seemed to have other candidate’s details instead of mine during the interview.
  3. I could hardly understand what was said due to the static interference on Skype.

So I hope this unusual situation could be understandable, and I would be grateful if you could schedule another interview for me.

Thank you for consideration in this matter, and I really look forward to hearing from you soon.

Ivy Kao

By Evie, Sandra, Ivy

